We have the motivation, the determination and we most certainly have the goals, but when it comes to getting fit and healthy do we actually have the money? I'm not going to tell you how easy it is to eat healthy on a budget, because I found it a little tricky at the beginning, the student rates at the gym definitely helped but with these tips and quick recipes you'll be a savvy shopper and healthy living student in no time!

1. Budget
First things first make a note of your weekly budget for food, this will stop you from going over into your night-out funds or squandering all of your online shopping savings!2. Box It Up
Invest in some Tupperware boxes to freeze or keep meals, you can grab some amazing disposable ones online in batches of 50. Or try Paperchase for some super cute ones.3. It's All In The Prep
Plan your lunches for the week ahead so you don't have to grab any old snack from the shop in between lectures or if you've missed that unreliable alarm clock and are running too late to make lunch.
4. Try New Things
I was definitely a breast girl until I tried chicken legs, you can get 4 for around £3.50. It's still a lean cut which tastes amazing and is also usually much more affordable!5. Tidy Fridge = Tidy Bank Account
Just knowing what you have in the kitchen can save so much money, so maintain an organised fridge to prevent you from forgetting foods or buying extras!
6. Reduce Portion Sizes
Eat less, more often. I tend to stick to a meal plan of 5 smaller meals a day this means I'm never peckish or raiding the fridge for snacks in between meals. Not only will your food go further but you'll feel less bloated!7. That's Going Straight In My Basket...
Before committing to a purchase always ask yourself, "Do I actually need this?" if you're not certain then chances are it's just another item that'll waste away in the fridge come next week.8. DIY Marinades
You'll be amazed how far herbs and spice pots go, for £1.75 a pot of smoked paprika or oregano can last you up to 20 meals. That £2.50 stir fry sauce? Just one meal!
9. Take Turns
Close with your flat mates? Why don't you all chip in and take turns cooking? More often than not you can end up cooking far too much and if you can't get the hang of saving or freezing meals then share the love and save £££ too!10. Never Shop Hungry
Finally, never, ever shop when you are hungry. You'll have a basket that could feed the whole campus and you will be defeated! (Not a challenge.) Eating healthy impacts your life in so many different ways, from physique, to your mind, skin, hair and energy; who knows with a nutritious new diet in place you may just find everything a whole lot more positive?Even more from UNiDAYS
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