
6 New Years Resolutions For 2016

I know that a lot of people think that New Years resolutions are pointless; let's face it we always break them, right? Well if you aim for something unrealistic like 'lose 3 stone' or 'cut out all alcohol' then the chances are that you'll break it within a week. And try to stay away from anything too general like 'get healthy' because that's just too hard to do from day to day. Instead of all that, these are some resolutions that you should definitely make; they are totally achievable and definitely worth doing for a happier and healthier 2016!

1. Save Money

Money Image source influenster.com I know that when you're a student it can often seem like you don't have enough money to live, never mind to save. But if you were to save £0.01 on January the 1st, £0.02 on January the 2nd and so on, finishing with £3.65 on December 31st then you'd have saved £667.95 and you won't have even noticed!

2. Get Organised

Organised_(put-underneath-gif) Once you're past the first semester it's easy to lack motivation with your uni work but now is the perfect time to get yourself organised and power through until the end of the year! I'm envisioning to-do lists galore.

3. Get Outside More

Outside Image source thegirlsare.com When it's cold and dark it's easy to just curl up in bed and binge watch TV shows for hours on end but it'll make you feel sluggish and more tired. Aim to step away from the laptop, put down the TV remote and leave your phone at home in favour of some time outdoors. And if you go for a run, then you can tie in that resolution to improve your fitness too.

4. Drink More Water

Drink Water Image source giveitlove.com Let's be honest, none of us really drink as much water as we should. Why is it that 8 glasses of wine seems like nothing but 8 glasses of water seems like the impossible task? Try and drink at least 2 litres a day (if not 3 or 4) and you'll notice a difference straight away - to your skin, to your brain power and to your energy levels.

5. Take Better Care Of Your Skin

That Christmas binging definitely takes its toll once we hit January and we're all in the middle of a too-much-chocolate breakout! So it's time to revamp your bathroom cupboard and invest in some new goodies to get your skin feeling fresh again!

6. Get More Sleep

Sleep Image source giphy.com If you're anything like me, then you probably stay up half the night binge-watching Netflix series (unable to exit off when it says 'next episode starting in 5 seconds') and then spend the entire next day wishing you hadn't. Repeat this all week and it's pretty clear why you're so tired. So for 2016, make a conscious effort to turn off the TV earlier and don't stay up for hours in bed on your phone; try and get about 7-8 hours sleep a night and you'll wake up feeling happier!

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