
6 easy ways you can look after the environment

With the devastating news about the Amazon rainforest, it’s hit home how we could all be doing more to look after our environment. The Amazon rainforest is the largest in the world, spanning over 8 countries and producing around 20% of the world’s oxygen. With the rainforest being home to 30 million people and numerous species of animals, the effects are overwhelming (Source). If you want to help save rainforests, you can donate to the Rainforest Trust and Rainforest Alliance.

With that in mind, we should all be doing a bit more to look after our planet. Here are some quick and easy tips to help us along the way:

1. Recycle

It might seem like it takes a lot of effort to recycle, but once you get into the swing of things it’ll soon become the norm. Start by separating your waste into different bins or try having recycling boxes outside your back door. Why not head to your local council website to find out what recycling opportunities there are in your area.

2. Save water and electricity

Remember when your parents used to nag you for leaving your light on? Well now it’s time to turn into them... and embrace it. Every little counts and turning your devices off at the socket so the red light isn’t on well save your bank balance and the environment. Result.

3. Take public transport or car share

It might not always be the easiest option, but try considering public transport instead of driving. Or instead of jumping in the car to the shop, could you walk? Start forming the habit of considering other alternatives instead of jumping in the car straight away.

4. Use reusable products

Whether it’s bags, coffee cups, tupperware or packaging. Try making a conscious effort to minimise your plastic use. Plastic pollution can affect land, waterways and oceans which is really not cool. Let’s work together to save our planet.

5. Use less paper

Do you really need to print that document out? Why not go paperless by storing tickets within apps on your phone or working from your laptop instead of writing notes on paper. You can also consider the toilet and kitchen roll you use and swap them for environmentally friendly alternatives.

6. Reduce your food waste

Prevent having leftovers by cooking in bulk and freezing what you don’t need straight away. Instead of guesstimating, try measuring out your food so that your portion sizes are reasonable and less food goes to waste.

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