So, you’re back at school, college or university and the work is starting to pile up, and very quickly. Ah, stress overload. Studying can be pretty draining, and it’s often quite a shock if you’ve actually managed to stay awake - we’ve all been there.
In the UNiDAYS® office we have been gathering our ideas on the best 5 ways to keep yourself awake whilst studying, and they’re pretty awesome too. Here we go:
1. Get Creative
One of our favourite ways to push on through that dreaded studying sesh is by getting creative; instead of making your notes all one colour, go all out and use a load of fancy colours and marker pens. If you just put that little bit more effort it now when making your notes, they’ll be so good that you won’t need to re-write them when it comes to exam season. 2. Go For A Walk
Having a breather from studying is one of the best ways to keep you focused and motivated. It might seem like by going for a walk you’re going to lose your current state of mind, but it actually does the total opposite. Constant studying is no good - it overworks your brain so you might as well not be doing it at all. By taking half an hour away you’ve feel much more alive and invigorated. Try it!3. Snacks, Snacks, Snacks
Now, when I say snacks I don’t mean a chocolate bar every half an hour - as nice as that would be it won’t help you stay awake whilst studying, why you ask? a) it will only give you a mini boost then you’ll feel 10x worse than you did before, and b) you’ll probably start to feel very, very sick. Ergh! I’m talking fresh fruit and vegetables - they’ll make you feel so much better and give you that long-lasting energy boost that you need. 4. Chewing Gum
Betcha never thought of this did you? Chewing gum really helps to keep you awake whilst you’re studying - it keeps the blood flowing because it’s a repetitive act therefore it keeps your mind off of the tiredness and the boredom. Short but sweet huh?5. Get An Early Night
If you’re super organised and know exactly when you’re going to be studying, it’s an idea to get yourself into a routine of going to bed at a set time every night of the week. Not only will this have positive impacts elsewhere on your life (i.e- goodbye under eye bags) but it will also leave you feeling much more awake when you need to be. Most people end up getting distracted in bed by some kind of techno device - why not turn everything off and just relax. Afterall, who doesn’t love their bed? Join UNiDAYS Now For Free Student Discount
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