Student loans can be tough things to navigate. One minute, you feel like you're absolutely loaded and the next you're wondering how many cans of beans will keep you alive that week. But, never fear! You can still get your style fix from Matalan with 20% off for a limited time only and all of these trend-led pieces are under £20.
First up, Matalan are not skimping on the style front when it comes to footwear. I absolutely love both pairs of these lace up heels, they're so on trend and I'm sure Kim K would be all over the nude ones! Check out the black lace-up court shoes and the nude cross-over heels on Matalan now. When you're feeling a tad more casual, the slip-on sneaker is always a winner and these burgundy pony hair pumps are the perfect autumn colour.
Carrying on the faux fur obsession into outwear, this grey faux fur gilet is a lovely wardrobe addition for this time of year. Paired with a Breton top and your favourite skinny jeans, this is a surefire winner for easy uni style. Pretty it up with this Victorian style blouse with the cute tie neck.
Guys, if your staple style is all about comfy chinos and easy-to-wear shirts then you're in the right place. These slim stretch chinos would look wicked with either the Morley dot shirt or the Morley heavy check shirt, don't you think? When even a shirt is too much to cope with this printed tee is a great addition to your favourite jeans. When temperatures really drop, make sure you're prepped with a cosy jumper. This crew neck wool jumper comes in loads of different colours.

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