I can't wait to start my Thesis! Said no one ever.
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1. Due date is set, we got this!
The topic of your thesis has been decided, the due date has been set but it's all good. You're going to kick some academic ass with this one!
2. Title's written, let's take a well earned break

3. Research time!
*Takes out every library book ever on the topic of your thesis.*
4. My brain can't function on an empty stomach
When it comes to your thesis, all food is brain food.
5. Okay, these books definitely don't make sense.. Wikipedia come at me bro!

6. *Writes chapter* is this even in English?

7. I have no idea what I'm doing

8. Why did I choose this topic?!

9. 3,000 words written: this calls for a celebration!
Netflix and Vodka please!
10. Oh you're almost finished? Good for you!

11. *Fights urge to watch all of Stranger Things on Netflix*

12. How am I meant to conclude this nonsense!
Is it too late to change my topic?
13. Seriously, how many times have I used "therefore"?!
Time to use my good friend thesaurus.
14. Thank GOD for spellcheck!

15. And SUBMIT!

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