Getting your head down to do some serious studying can be pretty tough, especially with the frequent release of new shows on Netflix and basically anything else that doesn't involve studying. But exam season is drawing close and so we're here to help! Follow these 5 revision steps and you could be acing those exams in no time.
1. Colour Code Your Notes
Highlighting key points in your notes is a great revision method, as you'll be offering yourself a visual guidance as you go. Devise your own colour coding system to help you take note of the sections or definitions that will help you answer the questions in your exam.2. Eat Well
Eating the correct food can be a helpful tool in boosting your brain power during the study period. Not sure which snacks you should be eating while you study? Check out these 6 brain boosting foods from our previous blog post.3. Use The Correct Revision Equipment
If you find a folder full of notes a bit too overwhelming when it comes to revising, why not go paperless and know that all your information is safe in one place. We've recently partnered with the perfect study perk HP to offer you lucky verified students up to 40% off at the HP student store, where you can save on HP PCs, notebooks, accessories and more!4. Take Breaks
Now, I'm not saying highlight a sentence, watch an hour of TV. Taking regular brain breaks during your revision session can help your brain digest the information you're trying to learn, After each break, go back to the section you've been learning and test yourself. Once you feel confident on each section, then move on to the next.5. Test Your Time
When it comes to exams, it can feel like time is never on your side. Testing your knowledge against time is a great way to ensure that you are giving yourself long enough to answer each questions during your exam. If you find that you're answering with time to spare, use this time to look over your answers for any errors.
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