The ultimate student guide to meditation
Ommmmm. Can you hear that? It’s the sound of inner peace. Sounds pretty good, right?
Seriously though, uni can be stressful and burnout is real. It’s important to stay mind-healthy no matter how much the assignments pile up.
This guide will help you master the basics of meditation, so you can stay cool as a cucumber even in those high-pressure moments. Namaste.
What are the benefits of meditation for students, anyway?
Before we get stuck into it, let’s address the elephant in the room. What’s the point of meditation? Does it have any real benefits?
There are actually loads of studies, like this one, that show meditation has pretty powerful effects on mental and physical health.
Some of the potential benefits of meditation include:
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Better self-image and a more positive outlook on life
- Improved self-awareness
- Improved attention span
- Better quality sleep
- Better control over bad habits and vices
- Lower blood pressure
We could all stand to have a little more zen in our lives, and with pros like that, it’s worth giving a go!
Starting out: find your happy place
There are different schools of thought about the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways to meditate. What’s key is to find an approach that allows you to feel calm and present.
A good start is to find a spot where you’re comfortable and relaxed. This could be in your room, under a shady tree or in a quiet nook at the library. Think of this as a space just for you.
You might like to pop in some earbuds and put on some calming music or a guided meditation programme. Or you might prefer to let the ambient background noise wash over you. It’s completely up to you.
Getting into the zone
Once you’ve found your space, get into a comfortable position. This can be sitting or lying down.
Decide on a rough amount of time you want to meditate. You might choose a short time to begin with, like five or 10 minutes. You can set a timer or go with the flow and see what feels natural.
When you’re relaxed and ready, gently close your eyes and try this:
1. Focus on your breathing
Feel the sensation of your breath as it goes in and out. You don’t have to breathe faster or slower than usual. Just notice each breath. If it helps, you can also try counting each breath – 1 for in, 2 for out, 3 for in, 4 for out and so on, until you get to 10 and start again.
2. Pay attention to your body
Think about how your body moves with each breath. Your abdomen is rising and falling. Your shoulders are moving slightly. Pay attention to how each part of your body feels—from the top of your head right down to your toes. Sink into your breath and let your body fully relax.
3. Let your thoughts come and go
At one point or another, your mind will start to wander. ‘What should I have for dinner?’ ‘Where did I put my keys?’ ‘Why did I say that one embarrassing thing seven years ago?’ Don’t worry. It’s natural.
When you notice you’re distracted, give yourself kudos and gently shift your focus back to your breath. It can be helpful to think of those intruding thoughts as balloons, floating away.
4. Slowly come back to earth
When you feel like enough time has passed, slowly start to bring your attention back to what’s around you. Listen for any sounds in the environment. Think about how your body feels. Take a moment to notice your thoughts and emotions. You can also try:
- Wiggling your toes and fingers
- Rolling your shoulders backwards and forwards
- Moving your head from side to side and up and down
When you’re ready, gently open your eyes.
And that’s it! Your first meditation session isdone and dusted. Try not to judge yourself if you feel like you spent most of the time cycling through random thoughts. You’ve taken time for your mental wellbeing and that’s what’s important.
How often should you meditate?
There’s no right or wrong answer to this. But as with all things, consistency is key. You’ll see more benefits from meditating by doing it regularly – so why not aim for once a day or a few times a week and see how much it could help?
By the way, don’t stress if you find it tricky to meditate on your own at first. There are literally hundreds of guided meditation apps out there, which can give you that extra motivation boost to keep up your practice.
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