Having a Halloween party this weekend? Drinking games are always a great way to get the party going and break the ice if there’s people you don’t know very well there. And you can’t just play your standard everyday never-have-I-ever games; take advantage of the Halloween theme! These 3 games are super simple and you won’t really need to buy anything specialist in order to play them - just get the drinks lined up and have an amazing night!
Image source cosmopolitan.co.uk
This is a really fun game that you can get creative with. Similar to shot roulette, fill 6 shot glasses with whatever you want - half nasty and half nice. The shot glasses need to be opaque so that you won’t know what it is until you drink it! Number the shots from 1-6 and then roll a dice to find out which shot you get. As you refill the shot glasses, mix the order up to make sure each shot is a surprise!
Image source kinderart.com
One for the more creative and competitive of you, this game involves wrapping your friends in toilet paper as fast as you can. Yes you read that right! Do this in pairs or teams and then the loser's forfeit is to down a pint of Halloween punch or do a shot of something deadly!
Image source petslady.com
A simple twist on a childhood favourite; instead of bobbing the apples in water, just bob them in big bowl of punch! If you want to step up the competition, then carve numbers into the sides of the apples. The number on the apple you get is the amount of shots you have to down after munching your way through your alcohol-soaked apple.
1. Trick Or Treat

2. Wrap A Mummy

3. Alcoholic Apple Bobbing

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