
How to wear white this summer

Summer is here, which means it’s time to get white-wardrobe-ready! Here’s some inspo of our favourite white wears...

1. Denim on Denim

Jackets, mini-skirts, boyfriend jeans… You name it, white denim is smashing it. If you’re feeling like a risk taker, try out a double denim combo. But good luck keeping it clean…

2. Crochet

Remember when crochet was associated with your grandma’s tablecloths? Not any more peeps! White crochet garms are a must-have this summer.

3. Trainers

If there’s one white purchase you make right now, it has to be trainers. We love a timeless classic and Reebok Club C85 are back! Pair with sports-style socks to nail the look.

4. Sunny-Gs

Want to make a statement with one single accessory? Well the white sunglasses have arrived! Try out a cat-eye style and red lip for an extra retro vibe.

5. Dresses

Attention girls, white midi dresses are here to slay this summer... We love tortoiseshell buttons and a basket bag to complete the style.

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