
5 ways to become a morning person

We’d all love to stop hitting the snooze alarm, get up and get that essay written before lunchtime, right? Only so we’ve got the rest of the day to binge on Netflix, but still. But sometimes, leaving your duvet is the last thing you want to do. The early bird catches the worm, right? Apparently. Here are some of my top tips to help you wake up, get up and show up.

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1. Get to bed early

You’re never going to wake up feeling fresh as a daisy if you’ve had next to no sleep. We need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night to feel rested. So, put away your laptop, crawl into bed and read a good ol’ book to get you off to the land of nod. You’re more likely to wake up feeling groggy if you’ve spent all night browsing through social media.

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2. Make your bed

It’s logic. If you’ve made your bed and it looks clean, tidy and Pinterest-worthy, you’re not gonna want to jump back in it, are you? Invest in some nice bedding, a throw and some pretty pillows to make your bed look magazine-ready. And that'll help with tip number 1 too!

3. Plan something exciting

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So why make it boring and brown with the same old toast, cereal and crumpets? Why not add some bright berries to your porridge? Create yourself a nutritious and colourful smoothie? Or even cook yourself up a quick and easy omelette? If you’re struggling for inspiration why not check out this 7 easy breakfasts for early starts blog post? Not only will eating fats and proteins make sure you feel full until lunchtime, but it’s something to get out of bed for. Make some time to sit and eat your breakfast with a nice, warm brew and get your head in gear, ready for the day ahead!

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4. Drink water

This is something I definitely don’t do enough of. Alongside helping to clear your skin and banish hunger, water is amazing at waking you up. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is the perfect way to energise yourself and perk you up. Why not experiment with fruit-infused water for a little bit extra flavour?

5. Tackle the worst of it

Now you’re up, dressed and ready, start your day with the hardest part. I know you don’t want to do that essay. But, if you knuckle down and get the worst over and done with, the rest of your day will be an absolute breeze. Make yourself a to-do list with everything you need to achieve that day and breeze through them.

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With this in mind, you’re never going to manage it if you set your alarm for 6am one day when you normally manage to crawl out of bed in time for your 11am seminar. So, easy does it. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier each morning and work yourself up slowly to the time you want to be awake at. Give it a try!

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