
Tips from the top: bloggers' advice

The blogger-world is ever growing with fab new bloggers and YouTubers popping up everyday! If you've just started your blog and are in need of a little advice or, if you've had your blog for a while and want to know how to push it to the next level, you might have some questions. We've been chatting to some of our favourite bloggers that are smashing it right now and we've got their expert advice for you on everything from posing to photography!

Carly Rowena

On insecurities:

"Be yourself, it’s so easy to feel insecure about your blog, your face, your photos and compare yourself to everyone else’s, remember, you are were born to be an individual not a copy of someone else. Be open, honest and explore passions you never knew you had, i never knew I wanted to be a personal trainer, my followers showed me that path, just remember you can, end of story." Check out Carly's blog here! ‌

Media Marmalade - Melissa

On working full-time:

"My top advice for anyone who's looking to push their blog to the next level and are juggling both a career and a blog, is to define your own success, and to never doubt or compromise your integrity or authenticity to get there, because in the blogging world it's integrity and originality that succeeds. It's also important to know that having a successful full time blog doesn't mean you also can't have a career or job as well, in fact there are many benefits to having both, you're creativity is never stunted through commercial pressure, you have a financial back bone allowing you to be selective in any partnerships you work on. There is no 'normal' in the blogging world, it's all about carving your own journey and defining your own version of success." Find Mel over at ‌

Fashion Mumblr - Josie

On travel blogging:

"My tip for starting as a travel blogger is to invest in a few trips yourself, perhaps email hotels and restaurants offering reviews in return for press discounts, and shoot loads of content which you can space out over a few months. Always make sure you use the hashtags #travelblogger #travel #tbloggers so that you pop up on the radars of tourism boards and travel PR companies." You can find Josie over at Fashion Mumblr.

London Beauty Queen - Hayley

On comparison:

"Don't compare yourself to other bloggers, as hard as it is, this definitely is the source of all misery! The downside of social media is the visibility of what everyone else is doing; it's easy to see how many followers other bloggers have, what products they're being sent, what they're buying and which brands they're collaborating with, etc. No matter how many great things we've worked on or what we've got hanging in our closets, it seems it's never enough - we're always comparing and wishing we could do or have more. This seems to be the one concern that unites us all: that we just want what everyone else has got. Try not to where you can, you're doing great yourself." Check out Hayley's awesome post Ten Things We All Experience As Bloggers, No Matter Our Size for more insights and advice! ‌

Layla Panam

On Instagram:

" When it comes to having a good Instagram, my top 3 tips are pretty straightforward! 1) Consistency: Always make sure you upload at least 1-2 times a day. 2) Filters: Try and stick to the same or similar filters or photo editing format. Keep it neat! Some of the most popular profiles are beautifully curated and not rushed. 3) Quality: Take time on your Instagram, sometimes I don't upload anything until lunchtime because I've taken time to upload a photo from my camera and edit it on my laptop. 9/10 images on my Instagram are actually taken with my camera because the quality is so much better than my phone." Check out Layla's blog here! ‌

DizzyBrunette3 - Corrie

On what to blog about:

"I try to just blog about what I enjoy and am interested in. If I'm stuck for ideas, I think about what I like to read on other blogs and that helps me think of content ideas. I'll also think about seasonal posts such as spring/summer beauty!" Visit Corrie's YouTube channel here. ‌

‌ Burkatron - Caroline

"I love using Instagram, it's a great tool for bloggers and more importantly it's fun! Instagram is a great way to tell a story; from sharing behind the scenes pictures or inspiration you can use your images to build up a visual identity. Instagram is an easy way to engage your audience and drive traffic to your blog. I blog about minimal and contemporary DIYs so I like to keep my images bright and clean to reflect my style. Natural light is the most important element when it comes to taking images so when the sun is out I like to shoot as many as possible." Check out Caroline's blog for amazing DIY ideas! ‌

TinyTwisst - Laura

On Organisation:

"I like to make sure I'm super organised when it comes to blogging! To do this I make sure I write a to-do list everyday of all the jobs and tasks I want to finish, and tick them off as I go. Inboxes can also get a little crazy if they're not looked after, so I make a new folder for every brand that contacts me and make sure to file the emails away once I've answered them. This also makes it really easy when you need to contact someone, as all you need to do is go to the relevant folder! Lots of notebooks is always good too, even if they're just for decoration!" Find Laura's blog here! ‌

Rebecca Cohen

On content:

"Not from London? Like it matters! People like to get to know the person behind the blog, and it doesn't matter where you're from. How about starting a mini city guide feature?" Check out now! ‌

Scarlett London - Scarlett

On standing out:

"I think everyone focuses on standing out as the blogging world is now a very saturated market, but quite honestly, I think we've become too fixated on it. You'll stand out because you're 'you', so the best thing to do is stay true to yourself, as ridiculously cliche as that sounds. Blog about what you love, write in the manner that comes most naturally to you and showcase everything that makes you, you! Don't succumb to the blogger cliches (unless you really love said things) - fitting in is overrated!" Find Scarlett's blog here. ‌

Frock Me I'm Famous - Hayley

On working with brands:

"It's okay to reach out: if you're looking to work with certain brands, it's good to make them aware of your blog. Tell them a little bit about yourself and your blog, explain why you'd like to work with them and outline your stats and followers. Don't ever send over a shopping list of products you'd like to receive as 9/10 brands will delete your email! If the brand chooses to take the relationship further and work with you, then great, and if not, you haven't lost anything.
Make sure the brand is a good fit: I always stick to the rule that I only work with brands that I love/would shop at myself. There's no point promoting something that you don't believe in just because you're getting paid/free products, it's more important to stay authentic and true to yourself and your followers." Find Hayley's blog here! ‌

‌Salt & Chic - Amy

On balance:

"Running a blog and balancing student life can be so tough, especially when you have deadlines and exams approaching! When things are starting to get a bit too much I think it's really important to plan ahead. At this time of year, I always try and schedule my blog posts a week in advance so I don't have to worry about getting tomorrow's post written or taking any photos - it really takes the pressure off! Also, prioritising is really important. Sometimes, life just gets in the way and it's okay to say no to things or take a break - your readers understand and if you put too much pressure on yourself, the quality of your blog posts, uni work or both will suffer." Visit now! ‌

Buckets & Spades - Mat Pike

On inspiration:

"If things get a bit stale and you find yourself working on the same thing, in the same routine each and every day then try to take a day out of your week to take a step back. Visit somewhere new - is there a town just a train ride away that you’ve always fancied or have you been chatting to someone on Instagram that keeps asking you to meet up for coffee? Take the opportunity to do so, and explore a new area, you never know where it may need. If you fancy something a little more adventurous, start to research into those trips that you’ve always wanted to do. I recently did a very last minute trip to Japan, and I had the time of my life. I’m buzzing with new ideas and inspiration!" Find Mat here at Buckets & Spades. ‌

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