
The Princess Polly summer essentials

It’s warming up, so you’d best be getting your #summerswag together. We’ve trawled through hundreds of items on Princess Polly to hand pick the Summer must-haves. You’re welcome.


Every girl needs a bikini that never fails - the perfect fall back option that can be worn all day and all night.


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Stop buying cheap shitty pairs of sunglasses that will break before it’s even Christmas. Spend a little bit more, and buy a pair a sunnies that you’ll care about.


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You know what's butt ugly? Plastic bags. Every time you use a plastic bag, a dolphin dies, and someone swipes left on your tinder profile. Get a re-usable bag.


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If you haven’t slipped your feet into a pair of Birkenstocks, then your feet haven’t experienced true comfort.


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No hat, no play. So duh, get a hat.


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After sun care

Let’s be honest, you’re probably going to get burnt. At least have this on hand to ease the pain afterwards.


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