
17 reasons to look forward to summer

My absolute favourite season is almost here and even though I love it mainly because my birthday is in summer, I'm guessing that's not going to be the reason you would love summer. But here are 17 other reasons why you should look forward to summer!

1. The weather

Even us Brits finally get to enjoy some sunshine (hopefully)! Article_Summer_Warm Image source

2. Holidays

Whether you're going on an all-out group holiday with your mates or tagging along with your family because they offered to pay (student budget and all that), it's always nice to get away for some sun, sea and sangria!

3. Being back home

You may be thinking that leaving your independent uni life for the summer might not be something you look forward to that much but hello! Home cooked dinners, fresh laundry on a regular basis, a clean and tidy house, and a full fridge!  Plus, you finally get to have a proper catch up with all those old friends that you've been trying to keep in touch with via the group chat for the last 9 months. Article_Summer_Relax Image source

4. Travelling to see friends

The idea of going to your uni friends home town for a night out is pretty exciting, but the planning can be costly.  Whatsapp, texts and calls eat away at your phone bill and if your parents don't want to pay for your travels, the whole planning might be for nothing, right? Wrong! Student saviours O2 have arrived just in time for summer giving you 20% off their refresh plan PLUS a free 16-25 Railcard.  A third off those cross-country trips doesn't sound too bad now does it? Article_Summer_Train Image source

5. Drinking outside

There's something so satisfying about sitting in a pub garden or a roof top bar, the sun is shining, the drinks are flowing and you're surrounded by great friends. Hurry up summer!

6. No more uni

Exams are over and you finally get a couple of relatively stress-free months where you don't have to worry about any deadlines, because there aren't any! Article_Summer_Homework Image source

7. Longer daylight hours

Sunlight generally makes people happier, so I'm all for more of it! It just makes it so much easier to wake up in the morning when the sun is already shining!

8. No more layers

You can finally push all the jumpers and coats to the back of the wardrobe and start swimwear shopping!

9. Festival season

Festival season is on its way! Glastonbury will be amazing, especially with Adele headlining! Parklife and Wildlife festival will rock.  Be it rain or shine; so long as there's music, glitter and all the fancy dress, festival season is definitely something to get excited about. Article_Summer_Festival Image source

10. Getting fit gets fun

It can be so hard to get motivated to work out when it's freezing outside and all you want to do is eat loads of carbs but when it's warm there's no reason not to go for a run. Article_Summer_Exercise Image source

11. It's time for BBQs

Come rain or come shine, us Brits will have a BBQ at some point this summer! Article_Summer_BBQ Image source

12. Tan it up

Every girl knows the feeling of trying on an outfit and thinking 'this will look better when I'm tanned' right?

13. TV finales

All your favourite shows that kicked off in the winter are about to reach their season finale, which means you've got some explosive episodes coming your way! Article_Summer_Tv Image source

14. Fresher food

There are so many seasonal fruits that just don't taste as good through winter - it's nearly Strawberry season again! Article_Summer_Fruit Image source

15. Bank holidays galore

Everyone loves a bank holiday weekend (that extra day is precious in a way we can't explain) and from now until the end of summer, there's 3 coming up!

16. Frozen cocktails

There's really no other drink option in summer. Article_Summer_Cocktail Image source

17. And relax

With all this time off, you finally have time to do whatever you want! You could take up a new hobby or learn a new language or just catch up on your sleep. I bet I can guess which one you'll go with! Article_Summer_Holiday Image source Hero image source

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