
3 ways to mix up your workouts

Finding motivation to keep going on the ol' health and fitness train can be tricky for some of us. (Cough, me, cough). I always go in all guns blazing in January, basically take February off and then by the time March rolls around I'm ready to get back on it but I need a little mix up to keep things interesting! If you're the same then these three tips to jazz up your workouts might come in handy.

1. Buddy up

Why not hit the gym with your housemate or bestie? Taking (OK, dragging) someone to the gym with you is a surefire way of getting some newfound motivation. Having someone with you might give you the confidence to try that new machine you've wanted to for a while or you could even try a partner workout with a 'you-go-I-go' theme. These are super fun and it'll be over before you know it!

2. Try something new

If you're always stuck in the gym doing the same routine then you're bound to get bored. Why not try a class such as pump, spin, step or even yoga? We headed down to Pure Gym to check out their latest class release, Pure Battle and we loved it! This is a combination of the buddy up point too because it's a team class. It was really fun to try something new with the team element.

3. Get online

You know those days when you want to do something but you don't necessarily want to get your butt out of the house and to the gym? Why not take advantage of awesome free resources online that you can do at home? Our guy Jarrod put together this awesome HIIT workout that you can do anywhere!

Girls especially will love Emily Skye's videos that she puts on Facebook and Instagram. Even if you are in the gym, and for her workouts you'll occasionally need equipment, following a new video is a really exciting way to mix things up!

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