
The Hot List: Stand out moments of 2017

If you’re a regular reader of the The Edit and you often read my posts, you might be familiar with my monthly Hot List series. The Hot List is where I look at everything great about the month and send some recommendations your way.

2017 has been a year of massive ups and downs and I wanted to send it out in style by bringing you the 2017 Hot List - stand out moments. I’ve taken a look back over the last 12 months and chosen 12 things that stood out for me this year... to make me appreciate everything a little bit more.

January - Personal training just got free!

There’s no doubt about it, 2016/2017 were very good years for The Body Coach. To give something back, Joe decided to put on a completely free boot camp for the first week of January via his Facebook profile. He streamed 7 workouts straight into his followers' homes and had views of over 3million in just 7 days!

Feeling amped up for some exercise? Why not give this workout a go now!

February - Stiff Chocolate drops his first album

The unsigned grime artist released his first full album way back in February. In March it was listed as the number 1 album in the UK with chart sales of 69,000. 2017 was also a great year for Stormzy, and grime in general. Stormzy became the first unsigned rapper to perform on Jules Holland and went on to be the first artist to win the newly introduced Best Grime Act award at the MOBOs.

March - The Oscars meltdown

The Oscars is undoubtedly one of the biggest awards nights of the year. I get a bit nervous when I have to do a presentation at work but making a cock up on this scale is genuinely monumental. Long story short, envelopes got mixed up, Ryan Gosling couldn’t help but stand there and laugh and the wrong film was announced as the winner.

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April - Homeboys got a home

April was the month that Nottingham finally got its first street food market. The Nottingham Street Food Club is home to some epic street food traders and thankfully for me the new home of Homeboys. Homeboys cook up Asian inspired street food made by Masterchef runner-up Pete Hewitt. They make some of the best boa buns and fried chicken I’ve ever tasted. Fact!

May - Trump's Twitter game stinks

I won’t spend too long on this one but whatever your opinion on the man, we can all agree he should be logged out of Twitter, permanently. May was the month that Trump sent out one of his most iconic Twitter meltdowns yet.

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June - It finally got hot

June saw the hottest day in the UK for 40 years, that’s right it was the warmest it had been in this country since 1976, crazy! You’d think with 40 years to prepare we’d have handled it well but the UK definitely went into meltdown.

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July - YES to gay marriage

It feels odd that in 2017 I would still be able to write about something as normal as two people in love wanting to get married but not being allowed to. This changed for Germany back in July as after a snap vote the majority of MPs voted yes to legalising gay marriage. A move which also allows same-sex couples in Germany to adopt. Winner!

August - The strangest fight in history happened

McGregor vs Mayweather may have been one of the strangest matchups in history yet. UFC and boxing came together in a fight that was worth over £500million. Although the pre-match shows were a bit far-fetched and wrestling-esque, McGregor went on to hold his own in the ring and silenced a few people too.

September - The month of music

Every September BBC Radio 1 brings us live lounge month. Each day a new artist joins the Radio 1 team in the live lounge performing a live version of their own track and a cover. I love Live Lounge as you often get some of the most obscure but awesome tracks that get covered. This Arctic Monkeys cover is without a doubt my favourite to ever happen.

October - The tenth month brings us 11.

Netflix has graced our screens with some pretty special originals over the past few years. Stranger Things has to be up there with my favourites. I won’t say too much in case you’ve not finished it yet (which you should have) but the gang return to take on the biggest threat to Hawkins yet.

November - The women of Hollywood are finally heard

2017 has been the year of speaking out and it seems that, in Hollywood, women are finally being listened to. The fall from grace for Harvey Weinstein has been one of the most shocking and well-publicised issues of the year.

December - The Force is with us

Finally, the new Star Wars film is upon us and we’re able to pick back up where The Force Awakens left off. The battle between Ray and Kylo Ren has to be one of my favourite matchups to date. The Last Jedi is just everything you could want from a classic Star Wars movie so go see it now!

There we have it guys, my look back at the last 12 months and the things that stood out and had an impact for me. This is me signing off and wishing all UNiDAYS readers a happy new year!

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