
7 easy ways to go green

With assignments, exams and presentations piling up, saving the world isn’t usually at the front of our minds. But what if you do fancy taking on the role of neighbourhood superhero? Here are 7 easy (and cheap) things you can adopt to become more conscientious about the environment.

1. Bring your own mug

This one is so simple it's almost unbelievable. Most coffee chains encourage you to bring your favourite travel mug into a store and in return, you’ll get a discount on your coffee! While this might not seem a lot, every penny adds up and it’ll save you £s in the long run. Most stores also sell cute tumblers that you can buy in the store to then reuse if you don't already have one.

2. Junk in your trunk

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have something for every occasion stuffed away in the boot of your car. Being prepared is always useful, but getting rid of all the unnecessary junk in your trunk will decrease the weight of your car. This will increase your fuel efficiency.

You’re welcome.

3. Ice cream for days

Unlike the previous point, if you want to make the most of your freezer try to keep it as full as possible to help it run as efficiently as possible. If ever there was a better excuse to stock up on cookies and cream ice cream, this is it.

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4. Ditch the dryer

Do your wallet a favour and stop paying to dry your clothes in the dryer. Whilst the thought of warm, washed clothes is tempting. The thought of extra money to spend is better, so ditch the dryer and hang your clothes out to dry. It only takes ten minutes and your wallet and the environment will have you to thank.

5. Meatless Monday

If going completely vegetarian isn’t an option for you like it isn’t for me, consider instead giving up meat for one day a week. Not only will it save you money, but it saves the thousands of gallons of water that it takes to produce meat. This one’s a no-brainer.

6. Recycle, recycle, recycle

This isn’t something we usually think about when we’re encouraged to recycle, but next time you’re due to upgrade your phone, recycle your old phone! Most of our phones currently take up space in landfill sites, and worse still the toxins leak into the soil and pollute the earth. Look up your nearest electronic recycler and give the earth a break.

7. Knowledge is power

Now that you’re ready to save the trees, encourage your friends and family to do the same. We contribute to damaging the environment without knowing so take another active step and let others know how to help!

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