
Starting University Late

Tips for starting university late

Taken a gap year or decided to work before going? Starting uni later than everyone else can be daunting. This article will give tips on how to prepare and what to expect.

Why do people start university later?

There are loads of different reasons why people don’t go to uni straight after sixth form or college.

Some people are sick of studying for now. Others want to see a bit of the world.

Others genuinely don’t know what they want to do with their lives yet. And many want to work for a while to save up first because uni can be expensive.

Common reasons some students hold off include:

  • Deferring entry: this is when you defer your year of entry but keep your place in the course for the following year
  • Applying again: didn’t get in the first time? Changed your mind and now want to apply for something else? You can always reapply
  • Travelling abroad: some people want to see a bit of the world before they study at degree level and go on a gap year trek
  • Starting mid-year: you can start uni in January if you missed the original application deadline or wanted to save up some money first
  • Gaining experience: some courses, like veterinary science, want you to have experience before they admit you
  • Working first: didn’t think uni was for you or didn’t know what to study? Many students start uni at 21 after a few years in the workplace
  • Changing careers: lots of people start their careers before deciding to retrain at uni

How do I apply to university if I am no longer at school or college?

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The uni application process is the same whether you start uni at 20 or 55.

It’s easy enough to do your own application via UCAS without the help of your school or college.

You’ll also need to apply for:

  • Tuition fees
  • Maintenance loans
  • Bursaries (if applicable).

As with uni applications, the funding process is the same for everyone no matter what your entry date. You can find out more here.

What do other people worry about if they start uni late?

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Everyone worries about different things. It is natural to feel a bit out of sorts if you start university later than everyone else. Starting uni later than your course mates is no big deal these days. Being a student can be a big financial commitment or that reason alone, it’s no wonder that some people take their time to make sure uni is right for them. If this is your first time away from home, remember most people at uni will be in the same boat!

University is still a very different experience to being at sixth form or college or working and living at home. There will be lots of things that will be new to everyone, no matter what their age or backstory.

Here’s some advice for students starting university.

1. Accommodation

There are two main types of uni accom.

Halls are a more traditional option. This is a series of rooms off a hallway, much like a hotel but with communal canteens. Bathrooms can be en-suite or shared.

Self-catering accom is more popular these days.

This is like an AirBnB you share with your friends. Everyone has their own bedroom and there’s a communal kitchen and sometimes a living room. This type of accom can come with ensuite bathrooms or you might need to share.

You can also get studio flats or smaller flats for just two people.

Accom varies from uni to uni and there is usually a mix of uni accommodation and private halls. Some private halls offer extras like gaming rooms, a cinema room, or gym facilities for an ‘all in’ price.

No matter what option you choose, you can make friends for life in your first-year uni accomodation. In fact, the people you room with in year one will likely be the people you room with throughout your degree!

2. Budgeting

Student life is not the high life.

If you’ve been working before you go to uni, living on a budget could come as a bit of a shock to the system.

Good budgeting tips for starting university include:

  • Finding a part-time job: lots of students work during term time. You only need a few hours a week to top up your bank balance. It’s a great way to pimp up your CV too
  • Working in the holidays: had a summer job before you went to uni? Why not ask if you can go back to it in the hols!
  • Shopping around for deals: be active and shop around for the best deals. You can save yourself a fair bit of money and never, ever pay full price!

3. Remembering how to study

If you’ve had some time out, the thought of hard core studying again can be scary.

And if you never thought about going to uni in the first place and are a more ‘hands on’ person then it’s easy to think you won’t be good enough.

It’s a good idea to read around your subject to refresh your memory or get up to speed before the course starts. You can always ask your tutors for a reading list and any other top tips.

Don’t be shy! Your course leaders will be well used to this.

4. Meeting new people

If you’re worried about not meeting people in a similar position, it’s a good idea to make use of freshers’ group chats on social media.

Useful sites to look for groups include:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Snapchat

Just start a thread asking if there are other people who took gap years or are starting late.

A WhatsApp group will soon follow where you can really begin to make your first uni friends. You won’t be alone, and loads of people will be feeling the same way as you.

Why not make plans to meet once you move to your university town?

You do you and let the rest of the world take care of itself…

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Everyone worries about starting uni. I mean EVERYONE. Some people just hide it better than others. Having some time out before uni gives you time to really think about the course, where it might take you, and whether that is where you actually want to go.

Remember that everyone has worries and is nervous about starting uni. I mean EVERYONE. Some people just hide it better than others.

And if you do need help, head to your uni’s student support services team.

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