
11 times Ross completely failed

Spring Break is coming to an end which means it's time to reflect on some of your fails (and maybe a few wins) from the week. We've all experienced some bad luck along the way, but probably not as much as Ross had over the years. I mean... no one has failed harder than he did with Spring Break.

1. The one where Ross goes on Spring Break like a college student when he's a professor

2. The one where Ross tries to hire a santa costume on Christmas Eve


3. The one where Ross said Rachel's name at the altar.. Oops!


4. The one where Ross has a major shampoo explosion

SHAMPOO Bad luck Ross.

5. The one where Ross gets his teeth whitened to impress his date


6. The one where Ross buys a new sweater for his date


7. The one where Ross buys some leather pants.. to impress his date

trousers2 Does he not learn?

8. The one where Ross goes for a spray tan

ross gets spray tan gellar GIF Image Source

9. The one where Ross learns to play the bagpipes

ross gellar bagpipes friends friends tv GIF Image Source

10. The one with Red Ross

friends friends tv ross gellar GIF Image Source

11. The one where Ross buys a new sofa

television friends chandler bing ross gellar GIF Image Source

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