
How UNiDAYS can help you land your dream job

We know that the Big Bad World can seem pretty scary when you graduate from uni, there are so many questions: how can I get a job that I love? Where do I start? Will I have to live at home forever? FOR THE LOVE OF PIZZA HOW DO I ADULT?! It can be overwhelming, especially when you want to break into an industry that you’re truly passionate about and everyone around you seems to have their sh*t together. Spoiler alert: they don’t.

But, no fear, UNiDAYS is here.

We’ve been setting up loads of exciting stuff with the brands you know and love to bring you everything from design competitions and internships to volunteering opportunities and exclusive graduate jobs. We believe in students, we know how much talent you have - we’re shouting it from the rooftops, trust. Because we’re your biggest cheerleader, it’s so much easier to get your foot on the ladder. We have those connections with the brands that want to give you a headstart in your chosen career - let us hook you up.

So, watch this space in the near future as we’ll have loads and loads of resume-boosting opportunities and experiences to discover or win. Right now we’ve got an awesome Creative Marketing Internship up for grabs. Think you've got what it takes to put together a brilliant campaign? The winner gets £500 cash and a paid internship with us! Head on over and check it out:

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Even more from UNiDAYS

We bring the best discounts from the best brands to college and uni students, as well as exclusive videos, articles and loads of tips and advice to make your student life even better - all for free!

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