
Top 5 back to uni fit tips

"You have as many hours in the day as Beyoncé." Those 10 words seem to have become somewhat of a motto in the past year or so, the perfect clichéd slogan to remind yourself of on those days you want to snooze your alarm or wrack your brain trying to find an (in)valid excuse to skip a gym session. It'll come in handy especially in the first few weeks back at uni when your schedule hits you right in the face and deadlines swing round faster than you can drink a Jägerbomb.
There's no denying feeling fit, motivated, bright eyed and bushy tailed is ultimate #goals but often doesn't quite go hand in hand with the all-nighters, house parties and caffeine fuelled study sessions you'll embrace the next 10 months.  When you're pressed for time and money, that spin class looks less and less attractive. We've all been there. But fear not - this year we're giving you a helping hand with these top 5 fitness tips and up to 20% off Pure Gym membership so say goodbye to lazy thoughts, here's how to make sure you achieve the best value, most kick-ass workouts you've ever had. ‌

1. Make it a date

Start by scheduling your gym class like you would a meeting or lecture. Setting it in ink will make you more likely to see it as a commitment and see it through, if you have nothing else planned for that hour, you may as well get your session done! Once you have your timetable for the term, pick the best classes or time slots for your workouts and try to make them weekly commitments. A routine of just 3 sessions a week is not unachievable to stick to, but is super productive for busting stress and upping your endorphins and fitness levels.

2. Get a gym friend

Most things are better with friends, and the gym is one of them! At Pure Gym you can even buy day passes for skeptical friends you manage to persuade along for a class. Going with a buddy is a surefire way to boost motivation when you're not in the zone, and push your competitiveness when you are. Above all else, it makes it sociable and just more fun. Whether you're actually hitting the gym or doing a fitness DVD in the living room, it's better together!

3. Book a class

Classes are brilliant for getting some structure into your routine and workouts. If you're new to fitness, or wanting to start more resistance training, classes such as Circuits, Tabata and Pump will give you a brilliant full body workout. Having the guidance and motivation of a trainer definitely helps you to focus and work harder. The time will whizz by!

4. Mix it up

Look at your schedule in blocks of 6-12 weeks. If your timetable changes termly, this would be a perfect chunk of time to set your workouts, before switching or mixing them up after the Summer/ Christmas/ Easter holidays. After this period boredom and a plateau in progress will likely set in, so it's a great opportunity to take a break and come back to a new routine. Maybe set a new goal or area to focus on. Do you want to get stronger, run a 5k faster or just try something new? Be selective in choosing something you really love to do, but be open minded to keep things fresh!

5. Keep going!

When the going gets tough it's so easy to quit the things we see as unnecessary in a bid to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Is the gym that thing for you? Neglecting your health and fitness in exam periods or deadline weeks might actually put far more stress on your body and mind. As revision takes over we often increase our caffeine intake, rely more on packaged convenience food, and see sleep as a total inconvenience. Staying active through these periods will not only make you feel better but probably increase your productivity and academic performance. Stepping away from a screen and putting your headphones in for just 30 minutes working up a sweat gives your cloudy head a total break and really energises a lethargic body.
So there you have it - follow these top health and fitness tips, stay fuelled, stay focused and balance it out with some serious letting your hair down. Mission: best year yet? Accepted.

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