They always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, they, whoever they are, are correct! A good breakfast will give you the energy you need to get going and keep you full, right up until lunch (or that sneaky biscuit).
So, let’s start with some juice. Grab your knife and split those oranges in half. Once you’ve hand-squeezed them, get the juice in the fridge and nip out to the garden to pick some fresh kale. While that’s softening over a gentle heat, whisk up some eggs and make a start on slicing an avocado. Then…
I’m sorry, what? You just crawled out of bed and you need to be at the bus stop in half an hour and you really should drag yourself into the shower? Why didn’t you say so… me too! I’ll get some coffee going and have a think about this speedy breakfast thing.
Healthier Stuff
If you start the day with something healthy, you get a feeling of moral superiority as well as something nutritious in your belly. Some of these do require you make them ahead of time, but the benefits are well worth it!
One of my favourite healthy breakfasts is simple as can be. Sliced fruit or berries, yoghurt and granola. In a bowl. Mixed around. Buy your yoghurt in a big tub for better value and dollop some into a bowl. Sprinkle with some tasty granola then add some berries or sliced apple or banana. The combinations for this one are many and varied!
With a bit of work, you could make yourself some turkey bacon and egg muffins. Not only are they incredibly tasty, they’re also packed with plenty of protein to keep you feeling full. These keep for a while too so you can make a batch and eat well for days. Kevin over at Fit Men Cook has a great recipe. Try these amazing chicken and chilli ones too for a little more heat!
For the more traditional among us, there’s porridge. Those quick cook sachets do the job, but make sure you buy the unflavoured ones that aren’t loaded with sugar. The two minutes it takes in the microwave is plenty of time to slice up a banana. Chuck that in and then add cinnamon and nutmeg to taste.
Perhaps the easiest thing to eat on the go, we have the mighty muffin. Try these healthy breakfast muffins from BBC Good Food.
Unhealthier Stuff
Moral superiority is all well and good, but sometimes you just need a bunch of sugar or fat (or both) made into something that tastes amazing.
My first suggestion is also the easiest one. Sack off breakfast at home. Grab that shower then nip to the shops on your way to wherever. Grab some lovely, freshly baked (in a huge industrial oven) croissants or pain au raisin. Or if you want to pretend to be healthy, grab a bag of granola squares (that absolutely do not mostly consist of butter and sugar).
But wait. Did you check the fridge. Do you have some leftover pizza or other kind of takeout? You do? Fantastic. Look at you all planning ahead and everything. Problem solved.
Another good thing for pretending is banana loaf. It’s got bananas in it and fruit is good for you. Right? Every slice is totally one of your five a day. If you’re up for a bit of baking, these guys have your recipe covered.
Finally, we have the greasy spoon. There aren’t a lot of these left on account of all those fancy coffee shops that keep popping up, but you can find a few here and there. What you’re after is thick cut back bacon, fried in a well-seasoned pan, sandwiched between the doughiest white bread and slathered in a generous helping of your sauce of choice. Maybe stick an egg on it too.
With that, my wisdom is dispensed. Go forth and breakfast, you magnificent (sort of) morning person you!
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