
Armchair travel: 5 youtube channels that will transport you around the world

Lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing have got us going stir crazy in our homes. But there’s enough awesome travel content out there to keep us exploring the world virtually for a very long time and YouTube is one of the best places to find it. Here are 5 of our faves to get you started.

Kinging It

Welsh couple Craig and Aimee’s travel style is summed up by their tagline “We go out and do it wrong so you can go and do it right!”. Despite having completed some absolutely epic adventures in various corners of the world, including the Mongol Rally and driving the length of India in a tuk tuk, it would be fair to say stuff doesn’t always go to plan for them.

The result is often complete chaos, but thankfully it’s always an absolute riot to watch. Their incredible individual stories, which include Aimee’s recovery from cancer and Craig overcoming a broken neck, go some way to explaining their “Rule your own world” philosophy.

Fearless & Far

If unknown destinations and unique adventures are your thing, Canadian Mike Corey of Fearless & Far is the guy to follow. As the name would suggest, his ethos revolves around confronting his fears head on, meaning he gets himself into some pretty strange situations.

While traveling to little explored destinations, he gets involved in bizarre festivals (baby jumping or exploding hammers anyone?), takes on extreme challenges, and generally does crazy things that most of us wouldn't dream of.

Mark Wiens - Migrationology

Food is hands down one of the best ways to discover a culture and Mark Wiens is on a mission to try it all. He calls himself a “full time travel eater” and with over 5.7 million subscribers to his Migrationology channel which also boasts well over a billion views, he’s one of the most popular food vloggers on the planet.

If you’re the kind of person that plans your travels around delicious dishes and restaurant ratings then Mark is a must watch. Specialising in street food, everything from the weird to the wonderful goes in his gob, but it all looks delicious. A word of warning - don’t watch on an empty stomach.

Phil Good Travel

Black travel trailblazer Phil Calvert has a simple goal when he travels to new countries - spread positivity. He argues that actually through maintaining a positive and upbeat outlook and impressing that on the people you meet, you’ll also reap the rewards. Which is a refreshing philosophy considering most people travel purely for what they can personally get out of it.

His Matador Network produced show which documents his travels through Europe is simply infectious and his relentless energy and big personality can’t fail to make you “Phil Good”. He certainly puts a smile on the faces of the, often bewildered, local people he fist bumps, high fives and bear hugs.


Describing themselves as “two 90s kids who got tired of cheesy travel shows”, they decided to make their own for the social media generation. But best friends Damon and Jo’s style is difficult to pin down. Other than to say that they’re truly wild, wickedly funny and addictively entertaining.

They wreak havoc everywhere they go, chasing adventure, competing for guys’ attentions, and revelling in their many, many mishaps. But there’s also more substance than what meets the eye as they’re actually multilinguists, posting videos in Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, and Italian on top of their native English. So you can brush up on your language skills while laughing till your cheeks ache.

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