
5 Conservative party policies that will affect students post-election

I'm sure you're all wondering, if you're not in the know already, about what affects you, as a student from the Conservative Party. This is just some of what Theresa May wants to implement with her party's policies.

1. Improved awareness of mental health in schools

The Conservatives have pledged better access to mental health care in schools with teachers trained in mental health first aid and curriculum-related learning which sounds absolutely essential. We love this as it affects you guys before you even reach the land of UNiDAYS.

2. Lower energy bills

Theresa May plans to cap rip-off energy tariffs and keeping taxes low which is great news for house shares and university housing. We all know how expensive house-sharing can be at university so every little helps!

3. Support for STEM

The Conservatives will establish new institutes of technology which focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and are linked to employers and universities. This is awesome if this is the field that you're planning to work in one day.

4. Alternative routes for non-academics

If you're worried that you're not academic enough for college or university then no fear, the Conservative Party vow to improve technical education to offer a real alternative to academic routes for young people. Plus, check out our 4 successful people that did it their way blog post for four super-business people who didn't get a degree if you need a little inspiration!

5. A strong economy

Theresa May will support a strong economy by helping employers create more better-paid jobs. This is awesome for post-grads for sure, better wages is always a plus, right?

Want to know about the Labour Party policies? Check this blog post out for 5 of their policies that will affect students post-election.

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