Runny nose? Sore throat? Going on a night out with a pack of tissues? Yes, my friend, you have freshers flu. This well-known phenomenon blesses many uni students up and down the country and is usually a reflection of weeks of bad eating, late night and alcohol. Here’s how to nurse yourself back to health.
And no, not with alcohol. What you body needs right now is water and a lot of it. Keep a bottle with you at all time and make sure you keep sipping throughout the day. Plus we all know water really is that bitcht….
Forgo a night-out for some sleep
This might not fit into your freshers plans, but one or two days of full rest will allow you to throw yourself back into the freshers fun. When your body is ill, all it’s really telling you is to REST, so make sure you listen to it!
Have a throat sweet
For short term pain relief, these will be your best friend. Pop one in every now and again when your throat starts to feel scratchy.
Good food
If you’ve been eating a combination of cheesy pasta, takeaways and chips your body is probably craving some healthy food. Go out and buy some fruit and veg. Add veg to all your meals for that extra nourishment!
Have lots of hot drinks
The ultimate freshers flu drink is honey, lemon and hot water. If that’s too much for you try having tea, which will make your insides feel all warm. If nothing else, hot drinks can be good for the soul!
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