Fancy winning shopping vouchers worth £250? That'll sort out your A/W wardrobe and have you looking new season ready in a flash. Had an amazing Freshers week? Whether it was actually your Freshers or even your re-Freshers, we want to hear about it!
Simply write a blog post all about your Freshers week with anecdotes, funny stories and even what you learnt (if anything apart from don't go out on an empty stomach!). Email it to us at and sit back and wait for the judging. Entries close on the 11th October and we will announce the shortlist in the week commencing the 12th.
We will be judging the posts on:
- Quality of writing
- Quality of photography
- Originality
- Hilarious-ness (if it's meant to be a funny post, of course!)
- Don't forget to tweet about it too, tagging us - that always helps!
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- Got a lot to say? We're always looking for awesome guest bloggers. Get in touch with your ideas!