Ok, so maybe not essentials. I lied. But these are definitely products and ideas that are key for keeping on track with your fitness routine - be it Freshers or not! These are some of my favourite things to have in my gym bag to make sure I don't fall off the wagon.
All Change London Tube Snack Boxes Holy Chic Water Bottle Camo Snack Boxes
A6 Stripe Notebook Holy Chic Cheese Notebook Glitter Splodge Notebook
1. Snacks
If there's a snack to have, I'll be eating it. So, I always make sure I pack snacks to take out with me if I know I won't be able to go home to grab one before the gym.
2. Record notebook
This might sound crazy if you've never considered this before, or you'll be totally in tune with this idea. It's a love/hate one. I like to take a small notebook to the gym with me to record work-outs, reps, weights, time completed, etc. This means that the next time I head to the gym I can check out what I did last time I worked that particular body part and try and improve! Paperchase obviously have some wicked notebooks in all different sizes and designs, here are my top 3 picks.
3. Post-workout treats
As well as my pre-gym snack, which I'll have about an hour before I train, sometimes I need a little post-workout snack or shake too if it's going to be a while until dinner. My favourite post-workout shake is Caramel Macchiato Whey Protein 80 from The Protein Works and Katie's choice is always Chocolate Silk - us girls gotta eat, ya know!Even more from UNiDAYS
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