
Revision: what type of learner are you?

Revision can be pretty challenging, especially if you don’t know exactly what learning styles work best for you. Just because all of your friends are about the flashcard life, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will work for you, and that’s absolutely fine. We think it’s important that you know what type of learner you are so you can revise more effectively, so we’ve got together some information on the four different types of learner and suitable revision techniques for you to try out! You can thank us later.

1. The visual learner

Visual learners prefer to actually see information, visualise concepts and use colours or diagrams in their work to highlight key points.

Revision techniques for a visual learner?

  • Colour coding work, e.g. all knowledge points in green, all evaluation points in red.
  • Converting written information into graphs and diagrams.
  • Underlining, circling or highlighting key information.
  • Try to use textbooks that contain lots of diagrams and visuals.

2. The auditory learner

Auditory learners prefer to hear information as opposed to reading it or seeing it displayed in a visual manner.

Revision techniques for an auditory learner?

  • Recite information written on paper out loud.
  • Record yourself reading your notes and play it back (ideally just before you go to sleep at night!)
  • Listen to revision podcasts (again, just before bed is great).
  • Study with a friend or ask a family member to help you out so you can talk through the information.

3. The read/write learner

Do you learn best by reading your notes and then copying them out over and over again? Yup, this one’s for you.

Revision techniques for a read/write learner?

  • Take thorough notes during class and rewrite them in your own words at a later date.
  • Structure your revision by writing bulleted lists.
  • Convert diagrams and charts into your own words - what do the diagrams show?
  • Keep hold of handouts and materials from teachers and incorporate these into your study!

4. The kinesthetic learner

A kinesthetic learner is the type of ‘hands on’ individual who learns best by actually doing. These types of learners tend to understand and remember things through physical movement.

Revision techniques for a kinesthetic learner?

  • Review flashcards or notes whilst doing some form of activity, e.g. whilst walking or on a treadmill (and if you don’t fancy carrying tonnes of sheets around with you, digital flashcards are your best friend!)
  • Highlight materials as you’re revising.
  • Type your notes up on a computer or trace words as you’re reading them - keep your fingers busy.
  • Take frequent breaks to lengthen concentration span.

Remember, what works for one person will not work for another. You got this!

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