
Ways to get fit if you hate the gym

With the new year comes the usual influx of people rejoining the gym, vowing to exercise everyday and trying to get into good habits. But what about if you DO want to get fit, but cannot think of anywhere worse to be than the gym? Well, here are some great ways you can get active without having to brave the gym.

Take a class

From yoga to learning the trapeze and boxing to a hula hoop class, the possibilities for joining a class-based activity are endless. The best part is you’ll be there with people who also want to have fun whilst working out and it’ll make the whole experience more enjoyable. Also having a time and place each week to meet makes you more likely to actually get out of the house, especially during those cold evenings to get your body moving.

Join a dance group

Whatever kind of workout you want, there is most definitely a type of dance that suits it. Want to improve your posture? Try ballet. Want to have a good cardio workout? Try a zumba class. There are so many options for different dance classes and you’ll be learning a new skill too. Some dance groups also have performances throughout the year and it’s another great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone!

Play a weekly game with your mates

You probably haven’t played a team sport since school (unless you are in a society at uni) and once you get back into it, you’ll wonder why you ever stopped. You can either try to start a weekly game with your friends or there are so many netball, football and badminton leagues you can join. They are made for all abilities and you can take it as seriously as you like! It just takes a bit of research to find which one works for you. And of course, there are probably heaps of uni teams which you can try out for...who knows, you might be the next undiscovered talent!

Start running

It is easier than ever to try to start running. Apps like couch to 5k, help you slowly ease into the flow of running. It is also a great stress reliever and a way to get outdoors when you normally wouldn’t.

Home workouts

Have you ever had that thought at the gym when you’re attempting to do sit ups that you could be doing this at home? While that’s true, it can be hard to keep yourself motivated to actually do the exercises at home, which is why many people go to the gym in the first place. But there are ways to keep you on track. There are many home workout videos on YouTube from yoga to simple muscle building techniques, and if you treat them as you would treat a class and reserve time and place to do them, it can be a great alternative.

Check out this example:

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