
How to Beat Anxiety and Stress

College can bring about anxiety and stress even in the calmest of individuals. Though I’ve always had a generalized anxiety disorder, my stress levels have seemed to increase with each year I’m in college.  Fortunately, after three years, I’ve found what works for me to reduce these problems.

Eat Healthily

I know this one is hard, especially for a broke college student. However, it’s extremely important. If your body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs, you’ll be running on fumes and be able to tell. I notice when I eat junk food, I genuinely get so much more lethargic and cranky than normal. Check out the food section of the UNiDAYS® blog for loads of great healthy recipes. ‌

Get Enough Sleep

An absolute essential. Try not to use your phone for at least a half hour before bedtime so you won’t be stimulated and can fall asleep much more easily. 

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine & Sugar

The best you can, atleast! All three of these can trigger stress and anxiety. You might think that those three cups of coffee you’re drinking will help get you throughout the day but they’re truly doing you a disservice. ‌

Find An Outlet

Whether it’s working out at the gym or listening to music while you write, you need to find a way to release everything that you’re thinking and feeling. For me, yoga helps a lot with my anxiety. It’s the one place where nothing is on my mind. ‌

Try To Organize

If you’re often overwhelmed with tasks you need to complete, writing down a to-do list may help you. As you finish things, check them off your list. You’ll feel accomplished, even if the whole list isn’t entirely finished! It’ll also help give you an accurate sense of how much you have to do.

Make Time For Yourself

This goes along with finding an outlet. You time is necessary, even if you’re someone who thinks they don’t like to be alone. When you are anxious, being alone can often be a safe haven. Watch a movie or read a book. You can even sit in silence. The peace and quiet will help more than you may realize. I hope you’ve found some helpful tips here! What are you best ways to reduce and avoid anxiety and stress? Let me know so I can try them out too.

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