
Things I Wish I Knew Before College

College is the time in your life when you’re becoming the person you will one day be; growing into a cultured, opinionated and tax-paying adult. But if you’re just starting out as a freshman and you’re feeling like a little fish in a big pond then I’ve got some advice for you - here at 10 things I wish I knew before college.

1. Sleep, Study, Social Life; Pick Two

College life can be hectic and so you don’t always have time for everything. Predictably most students would rather give up sleep or studying than sacrifice their social life. Article-size_college_6 Image source

2. Don’t Feel Bad About Changing Your Major

In fact I’d be pretty surprised if you didn’t change it at least once if not several times. You should always do something in life that you’re passionate about so find what that is! Tip: sometimes it’s just as helpful to realise what you don’t want to do as it is to figure out what it is that you do want to do. Article-size_college_1 Image source

3. Wait Until After Your First Class To Buy Your Textbooks

Don’t fall into the student trap of buying your books in the campus book shop; save money and buy them online. If you do buy them in-store though, wait until after your first class to avoid the massive queues and save yourself some time! Article-size_college_8 Image source

4. It’s Okay If You Still Haven’t Met The Love Of Your Life By The Time You Graduate

It’s not the end of the world if you break up with your high school sweetheart before going off to college - actually that’s the way it normally goes. And don’t worry if you’re still single at the end of your four years. Yes a lot of people do meet their future husband or wife at college, but equally a lot of people don’t. Article-size_college_2 Image source

5. Avoid Hooking Up With Your Neighbors

It may seem tempting (and convenient) at the time but save yourself a lot of awkward run-ins and don’t hook up with your neighbors! Article-size_college_4 Image source

6. Study Abroad And Travel As Much As Possible

Don’t just take a semester abroad, take a whole year if you can. Travel as much as you can because sometimes, life experience can count for just as much as studying can when it comes to a successful time at college. Article-size_college_9 Image source

7. Keep Up With Your Reading

Don’t make the stupid mistake of letting all your work get on top of you and then having to cram it all in by pulling all-nighters. However many parties and mixers you go to, just make sure you fit your work in too! Article-size_college_5 Image source

8. Alcohol Has More Calories Than You Think

So you think the Freshman Fifteen is purely down to all that ramen and takeaway pizza? Think again. Alcohol has a LOT of calories, especially if you’re drinking beer, wine or cider. If you stick to liquor and low-sugar mixers then you’ll be a lot better off for it. Article-size_college_10 Image source

9. Be The Kid That Over Dresses

I know it’s tempting to fall into the herd of students dressed in sweatpants and you may not want to stand out by dressing up. But you’ll stand out for the right reasons. Unlike high school, people who are different are applauded instead of mocked and dressing well will also better prepare you for life after college. Article-size_college_3 Image source

10. You’re Not That Special

If you were the queen bee or head of your clique at high school then you may be expecting the same kind of status at college. It may come as a shock to you but college is nothing like that. At college everyone is treated as equals and there is no hierarchy which means that everyone respects each other much more. That’s probably why the friends you meet at college are usually your friends for life. Article-size_college_7 Image source

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