
5 apps to help ease the stress of revision

It's coming towards the exam period, a period that we all know comes with its fair share of stress and heaps of work. But that’s not to say you can’t get on top of it by not only organising your PC with the right apps, but getting your mind in the right state to take on the workload with as little stress as possible.


The app that pretty much saved my hide during exam periods at university. During the year I had often made endless word documents that often got lost in folders and were a pain to find during when I needed them again during exam revision. Evernote acted like my word document, allowing me to take notes during lectures and, helpfully, like my documents folder, making it so much easier for me to find things with them all in one place. It really helped me organise my work and I’d recommend giving it a go.


Not directly a revision app or a document storage app. Peak is a brain training app I used, not just during exam periods, as well throughout the year. Alongside similar apps of the same kind. A lot of these apps require payment for the full experience but, more importantly, give you a free daily mental workout. It can help you get into the mood for work, get you thinking and creative and really is an underrated method of getting in the mood for revision.

Exam Countdown Lite

This app is good if you have a lot more exams than some of your friends. If you’re juggling 6 or 7 exams, Countdown Lite is a timetable app that can allow you to plot your revision points and exam times. Keeping organised and having a good ethos for time management is key to working through exams


For those who require a lot of references within their studies, Bookends searches through reference databases and allows you to easily find the references you need and formats them correctly, so you don’t mess them up. I often found myself having to triple and quadruple check whether I’d referenced correctly so an app like this is helpful.


Flashcards are probably the original revision method, from GCSE to undergraduate, everyone knows of flashcards even if you haven’t used them before. If you aren’t good at managing lots of paper or card, the flashcards app puts it all in one place on your phone. So if it’s something you haven’t tried I really do recommend you get it.

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