
How travel can boost your career prospects

Lots of students worry that time spent travelling could be better used on activities that will directly benefit their chances of securing and succeeding in their dream job. But we’re here to tell you that travel genuinely is one of those activities. Not only will it enrich you personally, but it can also help to boost your career prospects in ways you may not have previously considered.

Open unexpected doors

One of the most amazing things about travelling is all of the interesting people that you meet along the way. Whether you’re on a tour, chilling around the hotel pool, or nattering over breakfast, it’s far easier to make friends while you’re away. And you never know just who you’re going to run into.

Networking is one of the best ways to boost your career prospects. Whether it’s someone offering you a choice piece of advice, or being so impressed with you that they actually offer you a job on the spot, travelling often leads to meeting fascinating people who can open doors you may not have even known were there.

Improve your language skills

Ok, so unless you’re a genius-level polymath, you’re unlikely to pick up a new language in the space of a week-long vacay. But if you already know a bit, or have longer to invest in learning another language through immersion, it’s an extremely worthwhile skill to pick up.

Business is global these days and the more strings you have to your bow, the better. This absolutely goes for foreign languages, which are often invaluable in the workplace. It’s an impressive inclusion on your CV and could even be something that enables you to apply for jobs you wouldn’t otherwise have been considered for.

Boost your confidence

Navigating your way around an unfamiliar country in a language that you don’t speak is a challenge. But once you prove to yourself that you can do it and are able to overcome any obstacle placed in front of you, it sends your confidence through the roof. There’s a fearlessness and level of self belief you build up through knowing that, no matter what happens, you have the ability to deal with anything.This is an indispensable quality to have in your professional career and will give you a tenacity and confidence that will really set you apart.

Enhance your communication skills

Communication is a vital skill to develop in the workplace. And there’s no better way of developing your communication skills than having to overcome a language barrier. You simply have to come up with different ways of getting your point across. Everyone communicates in different ways. So developing a greater mastery of both how to listen and how to be understood will certainly be a crucial tool to have in your arsenal as you progress.

Looks good on your CV

When you begin to take your first steps towards your chosen career as a graduate it can be difficult just to get your foot in the door. There is always someone with more experience, better grades, or an all-round more impressive CV. Because of this, it’s important to make your CV as diverse as possible.

While you may not have the longest work history, you can make up for this in other areas. For example a stint travelling abroad can help to display more of who you are and what you’re about. Particularly if you’ve acquired some language skills or done things like volunteering along the way.

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