
4 ways life changes at uni

For a lot of us, university provides an education that stretches beyond the books. It’s the University of Life; discovering a whole new world outside of the comfortable cocoon that is your hometown. The University of Austerity; toilet paper costs how much?! Acquiring loo roll from pubs, clubs, and, basically, anywhere that it isn’t nailed down becomes second nature.

It’s also the College of Knowledge; realising that you actually don’t know half as much as you thought you did and that that is ok. It’s a time to grow. And with growth comes change. We’ve highlighted four ways that life, and you will change forever at university.

Finding yourself

One of the best things about university is the freedom of thought that comes with finally becoming a fully-fledged adult. You no longer have teachers telling you what to think or parents telling you what to wear or, even, where to be. And, so begins the wonderful cringe-inducing journey of finding yourself. Over the next four years, you will dip in and out of various identities. Activist, vegan, Sporty McSportsperson, beat poet, Am Dram enthusiast – the list of ways to self-discover is endless.

Take part in socials, hackathons, join societies or charitable organisations to figure out what fits and, perhaps more importantly, what doesn’t. It’s a great time to challenge the status quo of what you think you know and celebrate the diversity that comes from entering into the melting pot of new cultures and ideologies that are university. With some luck, you will leave uni as a better, more well-rounded individual than when you started. Full of enthusiasm, ready to take on the problems of the world and maybe even solve a few of them. But don’t worry; the corporate world will knock that out of you in no time!

Developing a questionable/flexible attitude to drinking

One of the big changes at uni is the formation of a questionable lax attitude towards alcohol. Or, more specifically, the development of a lax attitude towards copious amounts of alcohol at any given time, of any given day. For most people, university is the first time they are able to drink freely. And drink freely they do. Monday's are the new Friday's. Tuesday and Wednesday are also the new Friday. In fact, any day that is not Friday is the new Friday.

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And Friday usually turns into a day of rest that involves lounging in your crusty trackie dacks eating the three pizzas you ordered to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner (see below). When you get a little bit older (and hopefully wiser) you'll realise that $2 drinks should be approached with a little more caution and a little less unbridled enthusiasm (confession: I’m still waiting for that knowledge transfer to take place). Until then, you can continue to purchase obscenely large rounds for under a tenner while feeling like a Rockefeller for being able to shout all your mates.

Pro Tip

Use your exclusive UNiDAYS 20% discount on Fitness First membership to counteract the effects of over indulging on Smirnoff Double Blacks six days a week for the next four years.

Redefining the definition of a good meal

Once upon a time, pre-university, dinner was a meal lovingly prepared by your Fockers. By the time you're a couple of semesters in, dinner begins to take many forms. Brinner becomes a staple. Cereal at 7 pm is acceptable. Actually, cereal at any time is acceptable. And, contrary to mainstream belief, being on a first name basis with the Dominos delivery guy is nothing to be ashamed of. The best part comes when you finally get past the point of having to pretend that you're hosting a small gathering when you order 5 pizzas on a Friday night. "We both know they're for me, Trent. Let's not continue this charade".

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Becoming one of the gang

It's been said that you will make lifelong friends at uni. While it can be sad to say goodbye to your high school mates, it's also exciting to branch out and meet like-minded people. Trying out taster sessions offered by the various societies on campus is a great way to meet new people who share similar interests. Often, the people you meet during OWeek become some of the best friends you will ever have. Plus, if the theme song of Friends is to be believed, they will always be there for you so y’know, that’s nice. And if we can be sure of one thing in this life, it’s that Friends is never wrong.

Pro Tip

There’s no better way to make or break a friendship than taking a trip together. Get the gang on board by utilising your 10% discount with Gecko's Adventures and let the bonding begin!

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