
4 ways to deal with deadlines

Final coursework deadlines or exams looming over your head? Feels. We’ve all been there. It’s nearly summer, almost the end of term and you should be feeling like winding down but all your professors are telling you it’s time to knuckle down. Here are 4 tips to help you stay motivated during your deadlines!

1. Prioritise

Get yourself a list and stick to it! Work backwards from your exam date or deadline and break your workload or revision timetable up into equal chunks. That way, each day, you’ll know that you’ve made progress if you get everything done that was on your list. Make sure that you’re doing the most important and pressing stuff first or as you go along. This means not waiting until the final day to do all of your references.

2. Reward yourself

When you’ve completed a section of your revision plan, treat yourself! Whether it’s just a night in with your boyfriend or girlfriend with a movie and popcorn, a new top or a night out with your besties, you need something to give you a break!

3. Back it up

Don’t forget that you can save up to 10% off Apple with the Apple Store For Education. Now there are no excuses for struggling along with a dodgy laptop that might self-combust and make you lose all your work!

4. Stick together

Now is really the time to club together with your course and flatmates to keep each other motivated and along the right lines. If you’re all struggling together it’ll make you feel less alone! Plus, if your roomie is a super good studier then they’re bound to keep you on track with work! Find yourself a study buddy that’s going to bring you up, not make you be overly lazy!

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