
How To NOT Cram

Battle royale has commenced! And with these study tips, it won’t be NEARLY as brutal. Especially now that you’ve already prepped for this study period, right? If you haven’t yet, take a read of our blog that’s all about prepping for this season 👀

The butterflies and racing thoughts are probs setting in as you read this, so take a deep breath ‘cause it’s time to keep your head in the game! High School Musical never really stops being relevant, huh? Just remember throughout this period of PURE chaos, that you shouldn’t be competing with anyone except yourself. Aim to beat every score you made last sem, and reach new high grades by studying smart NOT hard.

Professional Goalie

You don’t need to be an excellent athlete to craft and protect your own goals. By writing down your desired results, you’ll find it easier to keep track of your progress and it'll feel amazing when you get to cross them off!

Find your study style

Are you a hoot or a lover of the sun? Prefer visuals over songs to memorise the info? No matter what study style works best for you, embrace it completely! Make it a part of your personality this season if you need to, take it all in and make sure all of your notes + studying habits align with your study style. To find out how you retain info best, see if you identify as any of these;

  • Auditory Learner - You enjoy discussing + reading the notes IRL, and you find you remember more when you listen back to recordings of the information

  • Visual Learner - Seeing is believing for you! You find yourself colour-coding, drawing diagrams and using visual cues to recall key points

  • Kinaesthetic Learner - Doing things makes you remember, so that could mean either role-playing scenarios or creating actual models to help you retain the info

Exude Teacher Vibes

What are teachers best at? Other than providing those dreaded ice breakers every sem without fail, they’re amazing at making sure you absorb the course content. And how do they do that? With tests, exams and assignments.

Turn the tables by testing yourself for a change. By doing numerous practice questions and exams, your brain is forced to recall necessary points as you apply the concepts you’ve learnt in a digestible form. Plus, if you time it then you’ll be one step ahead of your cohort! You already did the pre-tests, what will you have to worry about on the actual day?

Breaks are MANDATORY

Did you know that in order to achieve PEAK productivity you have to take frequent breaks? Research shows that distancing yourself from work/study boosts levels of energy and lessens exhaustion overall. Be strict with yourself, place a timer on your phone or co-ordinate with your friends to force each other to take breaks - do what you gotta do, just make sure you don’t get burnt out! Taking care of yourself is ALWAYS your first priority.

Follow these tips, and you’ll find yourself avoiding the last-minute cramming sessions and all-nighters. Make this Study SZN work for you, not the other way around 🎉

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