
Not many students know about this quick homework hack

This article is sponsored by Zookal

There comes a time in every student’s life where you get an assignment or question that just gets you stumped. In my first year of university, my business degree meant that I was studying accounting and finance subjects alongside almost 1000 other peers. Each tutorial class had over 35 students and this meant that when I got stuck on a question, it was hard to get some time with my tutor to go through the content so I could understand it thoroughly. I considered getting an external tutor but I didn't have the money or time to commit to a regular tutor for over $60/hour!

No one likes the feeling of not understanding a concept and sometimes it would just take a clear breakdown to really hit home the information you’re trying to learn. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, there’s a solution not many students know about.

Introducing Zookal Homework Help

Zookal, the online textbook retailer that lets you search textbooks by course code or University now has a Homework Help platform which connects you to Australian-qualified, expert tutors who can help solve any homework or assignment problem in under 40 mins – it’s the fastest way to get help! Access hundreds of handpicked tutors with expertise in anything from Maths, Engineering, Law, IT and heaps more.

How does it work?

By signing up to their Premium Plan, 14-day trial, you get to ask 10 questions plus 10% off all textbooks with free delivery when you shop at Sign up now.

Once you post a question, you’ll wait less than 40mins (the perfect opportunity to squeeze in an episode of the new season of Lucifer on Netflix) for an expert tutor to respond to you with an answer and you'll be on your merry way, allowing you to power through the rest of your work. It's available 24/7 which gives you the flexibility and assurance that you'll receive help even in the late hours of the night or the early hours of the morning depending on if you're a night owl or an early bird. Bonus: no need to schedule in time with your professor during their limited office hours.

Try it for free

Sign up for a Zookal Homework Help account now to receive your 14-day free trial and take advantage of 10% off textbooks with free shipping. You can cancel at no cost anytime during the trial period. Plans start from just $14.95 a month - way cheaper than a private tutor and you can use it whenever you need it!

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