
The all-nighter survival guide

Pulling an all-nighter and studying at university pretty much come hand in hand.  All-nighters can be equally, if not more productive than designated study sessions throughout your week, however staying awake and focussed can be a struggle.  Here are 9 top tips for a successful all-nighter study session.

1. Don't over do it on sugar

That overwhelming sense of fatigue and ickyness from a sugar crash isn't fun on any normal day, and it certainly isn't fun when you're sitting at 3am trying to get your study on.  Snack sensibly during your all-nighter and eat your study lollies in moderation to avoid falling into a sugar coma.

2. Don't go it alone

We're always pro the study partner and that's no different for your all-nighter.  The benefits of having an all-nighter partner is that you'll likely feel more motivated to stay all night, and it gives you someone to talk to when you're feeling the early hours of the morning wearing you down.

3. Don't clock watch

You're there to work, and work you shall do!  Spending every moment checking to see how late it is, is not a productive way to utilize your study time.  Find ways to keep yourself focussed, whether you reward yourself every time you achieve a study goal or give yourself regular breaks - Keep your eyes away from that clock!

4. Give your brain a break

Taking regular breaks enhances your studying and allows you to take in more information (bonus!).  Be sure to take breaks whenever you feel it necessary, it's going to be late and you will start to feel tired so when you feel yourself losing focus, walk away from your work station and take that well-earned break.

5. Drink lots of water

In amongst the gallons of coffee you'll more than likely drink, be sure to keep yourself hydrated with lots of water - it's good for the brain and good for keeping you awake, simple.

6. Make a music playlist

Music is basically the key to all of your problems. Feeling sad? There's a playlist for that. Getting ready to go out out? There's a playlist for that. Staying up all night to get your study on? There's a playlist for that too!  Instrumental music playlists are good for studying to as you won't find yourself getting distracted by lyrics or your favourite song coming on, or create a playlist with tracks of a certain style, music that's too heavy or bassy might put you off more so than calm, slow tracks.

7. Find The Right Environment (Not Your Bedroom)

The perfect places to pull your all-nighter include a 24 hour library or study centre at your university or a common area in your house.  Your bedroom is not a productive all-nighter study space as you might find it awfully tempting to lie down for 5 minutes and then before you know it, it's 12pm the following day - not good.

8. Write out a study plan

Keep your head in the game during your all-nighter with a structured plan of how you want the night to work out, start with your tougher pieces of work and end the all-nighter on some easy bits.  The better your study plan, the more productive your night will be.

9. Don't do it on a school night

The final, and most important tip you need for a successful all-nighter is to plan the major study event on an evening where you have nothing planned the next day.  Don't plan your all-nighter when you have a 9am class the next day. Worst. Idea. Ever.

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