What you eat is definitely as important as how hard you train. As they say, you can't out train a bad diet! Here are 6 healthy snacks and meals that you need to get in your recipe armoury before you start hitting the gym!
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When it comes to your pre-workout snack carbs are your friend, you need the energy to fuel yourself through that run or lifting session so get involved!1. Caffeine
Grab a coffee! It'll give you an energy boost, slow down your fatigue and increase the rate of fat burn. 2. Blueberry Overnight Oats
Don't be fooled! Overnight oats are not just for breakfast. They're the perfect pre-workout snack about an hour before you're due to train. It will gradually release sugar into your bloodstream and the fruit will boost your energy like nothing else! This is a great recipe to try.
3. Banana & Peanut Butter On Whole Wheat Toast
This gives you a mix of complex and simple carbs and it's also really easy to digest and the fruit will give you a big energy boost. After
Once your training is over you need to re-fuel your body with carbs and protein. Your post-workout feed must be high in both of these in order to repair muscles properly. By consuming a large amount of carbs you'll trigger an insulin release which will help to shuttle the carbohydrates and amino acids into your muscles to help them repair.4. Protein Smoothie Bowl
Blitz up some frozen banana with a scoop of protein powder and some milk (almond, soy or plain old semi-skimmed work best!). Don't use as much milk as you would for your standard drinkable smoothie, you want this to be a bit thicker than your average! Pour into your favourite bowl and top with berries, nuts and perhaps a touch of granola for some added crunch!5. Chicken & Pineapple Skewers
Pineapple contains a natural anti-inflammatory called bromelian which helps to heal any bruises or swelling and also contains a tonne of vitamin C which is great for repairing tissue. Plus, your chicken will give you all the protein you need to repair your muscles. You could oven cook your chicken in a honey and chilli marinade and then finish them off under the grill with your pineapple and you've got an amazingly tasty meal. Serve with rice or pitta to up your carb content!
6. Eggs, Avocado & Salmon on Toast
Basically, the breakfast of champions is a great thing to eat post-workout because it is packed with protein, carbs and essential fats! Even if you're not an egg fan you can get everything you need just from salmon, avocado and toast and the same goes for if you're not a fish person. Plus it's absolutely delicious. Join UNiDAYS Now For Free Student Discount
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