
Learn Spanish Online

No hablo español? Learn Spanish online - ¡olé!

Learning Spanish is always a win. But fitting it around uni work and other hobbies and interests can be a struggle!

That’s why online Spanish lessons work so well! You can learn at a time, pace, and style that suits you.

No need to commit to a weekly class at a time that might not quite fit or when you might not be up for it. Do it online instead at your convenience and the chances are you will stick with it and see it through.

Read on to learn about some of the best Spanish learning websites and apps.

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Why Spanish?

Want a fun fact? Spanish is HUGE with over 475 million speakers all over the globe. It’s the official language in 20 countries! Knowing how to string a few sentences together makes you more worldly than your average Brit—a serious flex!

Just have a go! At least trying will give you so much more than simply pointing and shouting like some of your fam!

On a practical level, being able to read street signs, timetables, menus, and the like means you’ll get the most out of your travels — as well as a passport stamp!

Spanish is not rocket science! It’s actually one of the easier languages to learn with simple grammar and muchos that you’d recognise in English too. You’ll be up and running in no time! Vamonos!

Want to stand out? Learning another language in your own time:

  • Makes you attractive to employers
  • Marks you out as an individual with cultural awareness
  • Proves you are someone who likes learning new skills and having new experiences.

Learning Spanish is also a lot of fun! And you can get busy with the lols as you try, and fail, to pronounce things for the first time! Bonus!

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How to learn Spanish

Learning a new language the old-fashioned way is difficult. It can often feel like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back.

Taking online Spanish classes is better for lots of different reasons.

Online Spanish courses allow you to go at your own pace. You’re in control. You can wait until you have mastered one bit before moving on to the next.

Or, if you’re eager for a challenge, you can jump in at the deep end instead! Immerse yourself in more complex words and grammar for a more intense learning experience. Muy bien!

Unlike in-person classes, you choose the style and timing when learning Spanish online. Suit yourself? ¡Claro que sí!

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Learning Spanish online

So, what do the best online Spanish courses offer?

They offer a mix of vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking exercises. These help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the Spanish language.

Some courses teach conversational Spanish. Others help you get to fluency. Whatever you want, there’s a course for you.

Best of all, learning Spanish online is generally free or affordable. Some websites even offer actual accreditations or recognised diplomas too - that’s a steal!

Finding the best online Spanish lessons for you

Start by looking for an online Spanish course that’s easy to use no matter what your goals, budget, and time commitment. Winning!

Look for a course with:

  • Teaching methods that suit your personality
  • Content that appeals to you
  • A progress tracker so you can see how well you’re doing

Everyone learns differently, so a good pick of videos, audio lessons, interactive exercises, and reading materials is a plus.

Many online courses offer free trials so take each one for a test drive before you make your final choice.

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Practice makes perfect

Want to speak fluent Spanish like a local? Practice gets you there faster.

Some online classes let you book an in-person tutor so you can hone your Spanish. Others hold online meets where you can get together with other students.

This can be a win if you know when you’re likely to be free and learn better in a group atmosphere but can’t commit to an in-person class at the same time every week.

Go bite-sized!

If you want to speak Spanish on your holidays or you don’t have much spare time, learning on the go might be for you!

Mobile apps offer you real convenience and portable learning. Your bus journey into lectures could be about to get a lot more interesting!

Top up your grammar and vocabulary with a mixture of flashcards and bite-sized lessons. Many apps now have speech recognition tech so you can practise pronunciation and basic conversation!

Surround yourself with all things Spanish!

Looking to level up your Spanish skills even further? To really kick learning up a gear, immerse yourself in the language and the culture.

Online courses are great and you’ll learn so much. But speaking and reading regularly in Spanish will boost your progress.

Here are two ways to best Spanish and make the language your own:

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Find the nearest Spaniard!

Think learning should be fun too? Want to meet new people? In Spanish? Don’t be shy! Many cities have local Spanish conversation groups or language exchanges where people meet regularly to practice.

Joining a local group brings together people of all skill levels, giving you a chance to practise your listening and speaking in person.

Your confidence, pronunciation, and listening speed will improve—you’ll be speaking Spanish to the border guard at the aeropuerto in no time!

Listen and read all you can

Want to boost your learning? Try to listen and read everything you possibly can.

It can be anything from business reads to trash TV. It doesn’t matter — the aim of the game is to improve your vocabulary and progress your speaking and reading.

Fake it ‘til you make it!

Real savings from UNiDAYS

Want to learn another language? Check out these great offers:

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