2017 is offically here and so is making those dreaded new year resolutions, if you haven’t already, but you don’t have wait to become an organisation buff. Here are 5 tips that will help you become the organised person you always write about on your cv.
1. Print some printables
There are people out here on the websphere who want to help you get organised for free. They’ve taken the time to create thorough and clear weekly, semester and essay planners. They have truly restored my faith in humanity. So head over to The Organised Student to print out one of her free planners and get that bit closer to being organised.
2. Display it!
Few people know about the gem that are display books, they are the clear rival to ring binders. So if you’re someone who cannot be bothered to hole punch paper all the time and if you want a lighter alternative to a ring binder why not try out a display book. You can easily file things and take them around with you without your bag weighing a tonne. Paperchase has a beautiful selection of display books and don’t forget that handy 10% off student discount.
3. Get a pretty planner
The prettier the planner the more likely you are going to take pride in it and more importantly the more likely you are to actually use it. So go out and invest in the most instagrammable marble covered diaries, planners and notebooks that you can find and plan your life away, Urban Outfitters and Ohh Deer gots you with plenty of Instagram-worthy pieces.
4. Outfit plan
Plan your outfits the night before! If you're the kind of person who is sartorially inclined, who cannot leave the house wearing joggers, even if it is just to go to your lecture, then give yourself a few minutes to plan your #ootd before going to bed. This will save you ample time that would be better spent eating breakfast. They don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing! Also nothing ever looks nice if you’re rushing, so plan the night before so you can at least go to bed with the reassurance that you will be looking fly the next day.
5. Let your tasks follow you
If you have something you need to do, why not write in down in big block letters and stick it on a wall, place it on the front cover of the notebook you always use, set a reminder on your phone, even put a post it note on your shower door? If it’s in sight it will never be out of mind.
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