
11 epic weekend breakfasts

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I guess that means this is the most important thing you'll read all day! Here's a quick run down of the delicious breakfasts to I have at home and at my desk here at UNiDAYS HQ.

1. Formal full English ‌

  Ah, I remember this one. It was during the early days of my relationship and I wanted buy love with food. The preserves (not stolen from a hotel) were a particularly nice addition and really complimented the full english.

2. The dog's envy ‌‌

  This is essentially a lighter version of the Formal Full English with dog on the side. These sausages are from my local butchers and are absolutely delicious. I love a bit of sausage, I do.

3. Casual cob ‌

  Suitable for eating on the sofa or in bed, the Casual Cob contains enough sausage, egg and hash brown to warrant a bit of skewer-through-the-middle action to keep it together. P.S It's called a cob, not a barmcake, batch or anything else for that matter.

4. The bagel

  Who doesn't love cream cheese in a toasted bagel? Not going to lie, I wasn't sure about the spinach, but I'm a risk taker, and it paid off!

5. The jazzed up slice of toast ‌

  If you haven't tried peanut butter and jam on toast, I suggest you stop reading this article and make some right now. It may well be the best thing you have ever eaten. Or not. If not, I'm sorry for wasting your time. Or...

6. The clean eating attempt ‌

  I've recently joined a weight loss group to shift some serious timber and it turns our that this delicious plate of goodness is what they call a 'free food', so I can eat as much as I want. Win.

7. The back on the wagon ‌

‌ Fruit Friday was a thing we tried here at UNiDAYS®. It lasted about 1 week. Nevertheless, it was a thing and should be recognised here. Or a cheeky shake from The Protein Works if I'm recovering from a brutal morning workout! UNiDAYS® students get 15% off too! ‌

8. The breakfast buffet ‌

‌ Suitable for 4 or more people. This was the morning after my birthday night out and went down a treat!

9. The tragic flying solo breakfast ‌

‌ Avocado and egg on toast is delicious, even more so with a bit of bacon!  This was almost a year ago when I was cracking jokes about being single all the time but secretly dying inside.

10. The bubbly breakfast ‌

‌ Feeling fabulous? Prosecco is a good shout for special occasions ... or just a weekend at a mate's house for no particular reason.

11. The stereotypical student breakfast, lunch and dinner ‌

‌ One of my all time favourites here. Brown sauce or ketchup is a must and an egg on the top if I want to go cray cray. So there you have it, a quick round up of my breakfasts! There are many more, but they're simply not fit for Instagram. You know the drill.

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