1. Outfit plan
Yep, even if it's just deciding on one thing that you want to wear the next day, outfit planning can really help cut out unnecessary time-wasting in the mornings. This might not be for everyone but planning a few days worth of outfits can sometimes be fun! 2. Be an early bird
Whenever you need to make an appointment for the doctors, dentists or opticians, try and get the first available appointment in the morning. Yep, it might suck having to get out of bed but when you aren't waiting 20-30 minutes for your appointment because they're running behind, you'll thank us.3. Food prep
Feel like you're always rushing about in the mornings trying to get things ready? If you've already got your lunch packed up and ready in the fridge you can just grab and go. No more abandoning half made salads! Check out our 5 Healthy Sunday Hacks post for some more inspiration. The same goes for evening meals, spend 3 nights in the week cooking bigger meals that you can portion up and keep in the fridge or the freezer. This way you have to cook for half the time!4. Label food
This is another hack along the same lines as food prep. Help yourself up this prep even more by organising cupboards and drawers so you can see which spices and ingredients you want to add to food. This saves you scrambling around in cupboards and drawers trying to find the paprika!5. Pre-soak pasta
I mean, if it's really too long to wait 10 minutes for your dried pasta to boil up, pre-soak it for an hour and a half before you're wanting to boil it up. Not sure if this is more hassle than it's actually worth though? Let us know - would you actually do this? 6. Sort washing as you go
That's if you actually do your washing and you don't just wait until you go home for the holidays! If you are a laundry kinda person make sure that you separate into darks/colours and lights as you go along in two separate baskets. This way, when you go to do your washing it's already separated for you! Or, to be even speedier, use colour-catching sheets and then you don't even have to separate things!Join UNiDAYS® now for free student discount
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