
4 Routes To Less Screen Time!

Do you get easily distracted by your phone when you're trying to study? If the answer is yes, then listen up! With exam season nearly here, it's time cut down on how much time you're spending typing, texting and tweeting, and with a few simple steps, it really doesn't have to be such a challenge.

1. Ssssh!

If your phone is pinging away every 5 seconds, then is it any wonder that you're distracted? One way to spend less time on your phone is to either pop it on silent or turn your notifications off. This way, you're not going to interrupted all the time. Group chat, you gon' have to wait!

2. Track It

Another way to start cutting down on the amount of time you're spending on your phone is to give yourself a reality check. How? See how much time you're actually spending on it! There are tonnes of different apps you can download like Moment for IOS and BreakFree for Android which will give you the low-down.

3. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind!

As hard as it might seem, one of the simplest methods is to put your phone in another room or, if you're going to be too tempted to have a sneaky look, give it to someone else to look after whilst you're studying. If it's out of sight, you'll notice a massive difference in how productive you feel.

4. Break The Habit

Let's be honest, we all check our phones at certain times of the day like as soon as we wake up. Avoid, avoid, avoid! By stopping yourself from making your phone part of your daily routine, it won't be so hard to part from it. If you need something to motivate yourself, think about how much you've got to update yourself on when you've finished studying. Hello serious social sesh!

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