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Wellbeing with UNiDAYS

Image of learning and wellbeing page in UNiDAYS app

Boost your wellbeing
with UNiDAYS

Stay positive, inspired and motivated with student savings on wellbeing and mindful resources—all thanks to your UNiDAYS membership! Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, lack of sleep or exam stress, we’ve got you covered.


Image of unmind, available in the UNiDAYS app

Unwind with

Get exclusive free student access to wellbeing platform Unmind when you sign up to UNiDAYS. Enjoy mood-boosting workouts and stress-busting soundscapes. Plus, discover a whole wellbeing community where you can listen, learn and talk everything self care. Create a future fit for you!

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Image of Headspace

Mindset is

Dealing with exam stress or study anxiety? Feel up to 14% less stressed when you start meditating with Headspace! Create life-changing habits and start your journey towards a happier and healthier you.

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