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7 Tips for Finding Yourself and Staying Healthy After Graduation
(Spoiler: No one, no matter how old, has everything figured out—ever!)
Why barre3?
In a class of 25 people, there may be 25 different reasons for being there. Find yours.
Empowered Women We Love: Malia Barnes
What do you think society defines as the ideal woman? Malia gives her hot take.
barre3 Can Help You Rewire Your Ability to Handle Stress
What’s the science behind the feel-good effects of breathwork?
From HIIT to barre3: One Woman's Story
Read a week-by-week tell-all of her experience.
How an Instructor Found Body Positivity with barre3
Not-so-much-a-spoiler-alert: It all starts from within.
barre3 is Redefining What Success in Fitness Means
Here's how. For too long, success in fitness has been about measuring up to unrealistic ideals.
Is Barre3 Even Cardio?
(Yes, duh obvs.) But a Master Trainer breaks it allll down for us.