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Festival Trends 🤝 Journeys Shoes

Here are the latest festival trends we can't stop raving about 🌈⚡️💖

Which statement Crocs are you rocking!?

New Balance summer drop @ Journeys 👀

Check out the latest street styles @ Journeys and get $10 off $75+ now 👇

What brands do you shop most from Journeys?

Something New Is At Journeys 👀

Shopping online has never been easier with the NEW Virtual Try-On! Test it out now 👇

what brand do you shop with most at Journeys?? 🛍️
Time to settle this once and for all: Who won the bottle cap challenge?
Which dance move hits the hardest?

Accio: show stopping shoes.

Unlock the new Harry Potter styles here -- alohomora.

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Take a look at epic Miami #SpringVibes

WATCH: Prom in NYC

Prom traditions are great...

to stomp on. Check out these kicks.

Take prom tips from LaurDIY

Get into personalized Chucks

All access with Hayley Kiyoko

How satisfying was your recent Journeys offer?