
5 final term feels every student will understand

It’s been a long hard year with too many drinks and not a lot of books but, alas, our days studying are numbered. I can absorb what’s on the page by sleeping on it, right? The end is nigh but with our ASOS baskets piled high and our motivation low, there is still that one last sprint to the finish line.

1. The 9ams are beginning to take their toll

You hit that alarm after being awake until 4am binge watching 90210 for the 100th time, withholding the temptation of burying under the duvet. (Consequently, falling asleep in the shower instead).

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2. The work is piling higher than your student debt

What time is it? What year is it? You suddenly wish that Clippy the paperclip was still a Microsoft Word feature so at least you’d have some form of contact. You feel like you could do a good job living in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean because you basically already have a degree in being unsociable and living in the middle of an ocean of tears.

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3. The morning, afternoon and evening coffee is no longer a want, it’s an essential!

Until that first drop of caramel macchiato (one extra shot of caramel 6000 extra shots of espresso) hits your lips can you even count yourself as a human being, never mind function like one?

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4. No more setting that alarm early to actually 'get ready'

Let’s be honest, at this point in the year you barely have the energy to brush your teeth never mind getting that contour on point. Let’s all hope that the new season look is panda eyes and bed head!

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5. You are confident that you WILL SURVIVE

Despite all the crying, napping and overeating you know that all those nights spent crying into your Ben and Jerry's and contemplating a career in Netflix binge watching (yes, it is a thing!). You know that you’ve survived this before and soon you will be able to slap on that factor 50 and whip out that cute new Topshop shorts and top combo and live your best life doing absolutely nothing.

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