
A Freshers' guide: dealing with change

A Freshers' guide: dealing with change

“Going through things you never thought you’d go through will only take you to places you never thought you’d get to.”

- Morgan Harper Nichols

Freshers’ can be a stressful time with lots of change happening, all at once. It can often feel very overwhelming with a lot going on at once. Hopefully, these tips will help make things a little easier:

Acknowledge that things are changing

One of the most important things to do when change is happening is to acknowledge it, as this is one of the first steps towards managing it. Change is just a part of life and difficult to avoid, but embracing the changes and seeing the positives can really help. Sometimes, being a tiny bit delulu can get you through a period of change—Freshers’ is the perfect time to reinvent yourself!


Establishing a new routine can help to make things seem more settled, including keeping a regular exercise schedule. Even just going for a walk around the block can help to make you feel better. Just getting out there and moving will help to improve your mood, it doesn’t have to be some strenuous exercise for you to reap the benefits. You’ll often find that you’ll come back feeling motivated and ready to go. Freshers’ is often the perfect time to join a gym local to your uni, so you always have a place to let off some steam and move your body.

Focus on the positives

No matter how difficult things may seem, there are always some positives to draw from the situation. Why not write them down to help gather your thoughts? As the saying goes, ‘you grow through what you go through’. Freshers’ can be a stressful time, but remember how amazing it is that you get to experience this—try to take it all in and make some new memories with new pals.

Reach out

Don’t be afraid to seek support. No one goes through life alone and just because you may have moved to a new city, it doesn’t mean your friends and family are no longer there for you. Use your support network when times get tough, the chances are they’ll be happy to help out. Don’t forget you can always talk to your new housemates or coursemates. They’re most likely feeling the same and reaching out might even mark the beginning of a close friendship.

Be proactive

Try taking charge of the situation where you can. What can you control? Remember why you came to uni and write down how you plan to settle into your new uni life. Why not organise a house meal together, or go for a walk to explore your new area? If you need some inspo, check out our 8 tips for breaking the ice with new housemates.

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