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Stuvia Upload original course notes and get paid - UNiDAYS descuento para estudiantes septiembre 2024

Stuvia Anuncio
Selling revision notes: what a life!
Over 600,000 students are already selling their notes. Aid students in their studies and earn cash!
Selling revision notes: what a life!
Stuvia Anuncio
Sell revision notes to fellow students and earn money
Earning money with your study resources never was this easy. Read all about it on our website.
Sell revision notes to fellow students and earn money
Stuvia Anuncio
Tutorial: how to upload documents to Stuvia?
Selling your revision notes is a breeze. Our co-founder Jaap will show you how it's done.
Stuvia Anuncio
How to sell your notes on Stuvia?
Get the best tips on selling study notes and other study resources through this video!
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Have you ever considered selling your notes before?
  • Obviously, it's smart!
  • No, I didn't know this is possible
  • I do now!